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View JoeWoodward's full-sized avatar

Joe Woodward JoeWoodward

View GitHub Profile
HarleyHealthVip::Application.routes.draw do
resources :faqs
resources :notices, :only => [:index, :show]
# events routes
get 'events' => 'events#index', :as => 'events'
get 'events/:id' => 'events#show', :as => 'event'
- for section in @sections
- if section.present?
- section.each do |user|
= image_tag user.avatar
%h3= "#{user.title} #{user.full_name}"
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
def info
@favorite_links = Link.where(:favourite => true)
@links = Link.where(:favourite => false)
render 'info'
def contact
if request.subdomain.present?
@section = User.where(:role_ids == Role.find_by_name(request.subdomain).id)
Your account has now been activated! Be sure to set your password below.
= simple_form_for [:admin, @user] do |f|
= f.input :email
def activate
if @user = User.load_from_activation_token(params[:activation_token])
@user.inactive = true
login(, @user.password)
redirect_to login_path, :alert => 'Account has been activated already, please login'
%h1 Website Introduction
- unless collection
You have not created any text for this section yet, please click
initialise to add text.
= link_to 'Initialise', new_resource_path, :class => 'btn large primary'
%h1 Website Introduction
- unless collection
You have not created any text for this section yet, please click
initialise to add text.
= link_to 'Initialise', new_admin_site_intro_path, :class => 'btn large primary'
def new
@editable_area =
if EditableArea.all.last.present?
@editable_area.text = EditableArea.all.last.text
@editable_areas = EditableArea.order('created_at desc').limit(15)
module ApplicationHelper
def markdown(text)
options = [:hard_wrap, :filter_html, :autolink], *options).to_html.html_safe
# Use within views to set the page's HTML title
def title(title = nil)
default = ""
%h2 All Editor Accounts
= paginate @users
%th Email