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JoelQ / anamorphism.rb
Created January 2, 2025 19:19
Attempting to implement an anamorphism in Ruby to generate a series of squares
# This imagines `.unfold` to be an alternate constructor for `Enumerator` that's
# more complex than `.produce` but not as custom as the full `.new`. It follows the rules
# of anamorphisms (at least for arrays, not sure if this genericises to other structures)
class CustomEnumerator
def self.unfold(seed, &block) do |yielder|
loop do
seed, value =
raise StopIteration if value.nil?
JoelQ / dollar.rb
Last active September 23, 2024 03:02
Implementing value object semantics as an RSpec shared_example.
class Dollar
attr_reader :cents
def initialize(cents:)
@cents = cents
def hash
[self.class, cents].hash
JoelQ / month.rb
Last active September 2, 2024 18:44
require "date"
class Month
include Comparable
def self.from_date(date)
self.from_parts(date.year, date.month)
JoelQ / tree_enumerator.rb
Created August 21, 2022 22:15
Demonstration of how using `Enumerator` makes it nicer to work with a data structure that has multiple valid traversals such as a binary tree
class Tree
attr_reader :val, :left, :right
def self.empty
def self.leaf(val)
new(val, empty, empty)
JoelQ / RandomToTask.elm
Last active July 27, 2024 09:23
Turn an Elm random generator into task, allowing it to be chained with other side effects.
-- 0.19
randomToTask : Generator a -> Task x a
randomToTask generator =
|> (Tuple.first << Random.step generator << Random.initialSeed << Time.posixToMillis)
-- 0.18
JoelQ /
Last active June 26, 2024 03:05
Elm Type Glossary

Elm Types Glossary

There's a lot of type terminology and jargon going around when discussing types in Elm. This glossary attempts to list some of the most common type terms along with synonyms, terms from other language communities, examples, and links to more detailed articles on each topic.

JoelQ / tally.rb
Last active April 13, 2024 16:27
Demonstration of using a rich object to represent a composite count and how it makes the math easier to deal with
class Tally
def self.empty
def initialize(raw)
@raw = empty_hash.merge raw.slice(:small, :medium, :large)
# Accessors
JoelQ /
Created February 9, 2018 15:52
Refactoring a pipeline of functions in Elm

Refactoring maybe code in Elm

Given this ugly series of cases:

optionalFormattedFriendAddress : Maybe Friend -> Maybe String
optionalFormattedFriendAddress maybeFriend =
    maybeAddress = case maybeFriend of
      Just friend -> Just friend.address
JoelQ /
Created October 15, 2015 13:50
Using Shell Scripts for a Better User Experience (source for

Server scripts

This is the source for the scripts discussed in

Both scripts are in the bin/ directory of the repo that contains all the markdown documents for blog posts. Users run bin/server and everything is automatically set up for them to view a local preview of the blog. bin/server-setup is a dependency of bin/server and is never run directly by users.

Maitre-d is the name of the "blog engine" discussed in the article.

How not to implement a multi-step form

"That ticket touches the wizard code? Why don't YOU take that one". The wizard in question is so gnarly my colleagues are afraid to touch it.

Looking at the code through the lens of conditional cardinality reveals what went wrong and how we can make things better. This mental model will change the way you think about structuring logic and help you take your conditional code from scary to delightful.


This talk is aimed at an intermediate to advanced audience. While it will driven by a practical example (refactoring a multi-step form), it will mainly be about some more theoretical principles and mental models for structuring conditional code.