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John Curran JohnnyCurran

  • Austin, TX
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# /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
# Phoenix LiveView Nginx configuration - Reverse proxy to Phoenix app running on localhost
# All lines with # managed by certbot are placed automatically by [certbot](
# Replace $YOUR_SITE_NAME with your url host unless line is followed with # managed by Certbot
# Default server configuration
server {
listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on; # managed by Certbot
" If you are in src/Main.elm
" this will run `elm make src/Main.elm --output Main.js
" This is helpful so that `elm make` doesn't blow away index.html
" Why would you want this?
" If you're using tailwindcss, you need to link the outputted css
" in the <head> tag and `elm make` will clear it every time
" if it regenerates index.html
" set makeprg=elm\ make\ %\ --output\ '%:t:r'.js
" This makeprg assumes you're using tailwindcss and re-runs the processor