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Josh Mock JoshMock

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JoshMock / RemoveDuplicateLines.vbs
Created July 14, 2010 17:09
Scans an input text file that has been sorted alphabetically and outputs all unique lines to an output text file.
' Results: Scans READ_FILE and outputs all unique lines to WRITE_FILE.
' Assumes: Text file has been sorted alphabetically
' TODO: Universal search for line so file doesn't need to be sorted.
READ_FILE = "C:\Input\textfile.txt"
WRITE_FILE = "C:\Output\textfile.txt"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set inputFile = fso.OpenTextFile(READ_FILE, 1) '1 = for reading
JoshMock / RemoveFileNameCharacters.vbs
Created July 14, 2010 16:57
Given a folder full of files, replaces one string for another in each file name.
' Results: Looks at the names of all files in FOLDER_TO_SCAN, replacing any instance of STRING_TO_REPLACE with REPLACE_WITH in each filename.
FOLDER_TO_SCAN = "C:\Folder\to\scan\"
STRING_TO_REPLACE = "replace this"
REPLACE_WITH = "with this"
Dim fso, folder
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(FOLDER_TO_SCAN)
JoshMock / ListFileNames.vbs
Created July 14, 2010 16:51
Prints a list of file names in a given folder to a text file.
' Results: Prints a list of file names in FOLDER_TO_CHECK to the text file at OUTPUT_FILE_LOCATION
FOLDER_TO_CHECK = "C:\Folder\to\list\"
OUTPUT_FILE_LOCATION = "C:\Temp\ListFileNames.txt"
Dim fs, logFile, folder
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set logFile = fs.OpenTextFile(OUTPUT_FILE_LOCATION, 2)