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! exclamation mark
" quotation mark
# number sign
$ dollar sign
% percent sign
& ampersand
' apostrophe
( left parenthesis
) right parenthesis
Kabouik / rofi config
Created August 5, 2019 19:29
rofi config
mathieu@solus-desktop ~ $ rofi --help
rofi usage:
rofi [-options ...]
Command line only options:
-no-config Do not load configuration, use default values.
-v,-version Print the version number and exit.
-dmenu Start in dmenu mode.
-display [string] X server to contact.
Kabouik / Unicode table
Created August 5, 2019 10:04 — forked from ivandrofly/Unicode table
Unicode table - List of most common Unicode characters *
Unicode table - List of most common Unicode characters *
* This summary list contains about 2000 characters for most common ocidental/latin languages and most printable symbols but not chinese, japanese, arab, archaic and some unprintable.
Contains character codes in HEX (hexadecimal), decimal number, name/description and corresponding printable symbol.
What is Unicode?
Unicode is a standard created to define letters of all languages ​​and characters such as punctuation and technical symbols. Today, UNICODE (UTF-8) is the most used character set encoding (used by almost 70% of websites, in 2013). The second most used character set is ISO-8859-1 (about 20% of websites), but this old encoding format is being replaced by Unicode.
How to identify the Unicode number for a character?
Type or paste a character:
Kabouik / Shadow-18.04-bug-report
Last active August 8, 2018 15:06
Shadowbeta.deb 18.04 bug report for Solus distribution
# Copy and paste this code in the terminal for troubleshooting:
printf "\n\n# System information\n" && inxi -SMCG &&
printf "\n\n# Top 25 rows of shadow.log\n" && head -n 25 ~/.cache/blade/shadow/shadow.log &&
printf "\n\n# User groups\n" && id &&
printf "\n\n# Display manager\n" && echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE &&
printf "\n\n# Video hardware acceleration\n" && vainfo &&
printf "\n\n# ClientSDL dependencies\n" && ldd -v ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/data/opt/Shadow\ Beta/resources/app.asar.unpacked/native/linux/ClientSDL | grep "not found"
Kabouik /
Created July 29, 2018 22:00
Using application on a non-debian-based distribution (18.04)
# Script to "install" and update the application on a non-debian-based distribution. This script will download the Debian package, extract it to your a home folder sub-directories, create a .desktop file and clean downloaded files.
# Download latest .deb for Ubuntu 18.04, extract it, and clean unnecessary files.
mkdir ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/data/
wget -P ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/
cd ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/
ar -x shadowbeta.deb
mkdir -p data && tar -xf data.tar.xz -C data/
Kabouik /
Last active July 27, 2018 10:45
Using application on a non-debian-based distribution
# Script to "install" and update the application on a non-debian-based distribution. This script will download the Debian package, extract it to your a home folder sub-directories, create a .desktop file and clean downloaded files.
# Download latest .deb for Ubuntu 17.10, extract it, and clean unnecessary files.
mkdir ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/data/
wget -P ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/
cd ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/
ar -x shadowbeta.deb
mkdir -p data && tar -xf data.tar.xz -C data/
Kabouik / Shadow-bug-report
Last active July 27, 2018 14:45
Shadowbeta.deb bug report for Solus distribution
# Copy and paste this code in the terminal for troubleshooting:
printf "\n\n# System information\n" && inxi -SMCG &&
printf "\n\n# Top 25 rows of shadow.log\n" && head -n 25 ~/.cache/blade/shadow/shadow.log &&
printf "\n\n# User groups\n" && id &&
printf "\n\n# Display manager\n" && echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE &&
printf "\n\n# Video hardware acceleration\n" && vainfo &&
printf "\n\n# ClientSDL dependencies\n" && ldd -v ~/.config/Shadow\ Beta/data/opt/Shadow\ Beta/resources/app.asar.unpacked/native/linux/ClientSDL