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KakoozaJerry /
Created July 21, 2021 16:28 — forked from manifestinteractive/
MRS to LJ Speech Processor
# This script generates the folder structure for ljspeech-1.1 processing from mimic-recording-studio database
# This is a modified version of what was written by Thorsten Müller
import glob
import sqlite3
import ffmpeg
import os
from shutil import copyfile
from shutil import rmtree
import csv
import sys
import re
ENGLISH = ['and', 'the', 'is']
matched = 0
total = 0
# Returns the number of dupes and which ones are duped
cat corpus-clean2.tsv | sort -f | uniq -c | sort -gr | grep -v ' 1 ' > hd.tsv
# Returns the non dups
cat corpus-clean2.tsv | sort -f | uniq -c | sort -gr | wc -l
sort -u
## Command to run $ python3 < corpus.tsv > corpus-clean.tsv
import csv
import sys
import re
ENGLISH = ['and', 'the', 'is']
from xml.etree.cElementTree import XML
except ImportError:
from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML
import os
import re
import pathlib
import zipfile
const mysql = require("mysql");
const Json2csvParser = require("json2csv").Parser;
const fs = require("fs");
// Create a connection to the database
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "***********",
password: "*******",
database: "*******"
// Returns the first character of the string str
var firstCharacter = function(str) {
return str.slice(0, 1);
// Returns the last character of a string str
var lastCharacter = function(str) {
return str.slice(-1);
* @param {number[]} nums
* @param {number} target
* @return {number[]}
var twoSum = function(nums, target) {
let numsObj = new Map()
for(let i=0;i<nums.length;i++){
let num = nums[i];