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ophirharpaz /
Created February 22, 2020 15:19
The script generates and prints a graph of all function-call flows that start in exported functions and end in the function being pointed at in IDA. This functionality is useful when you need to trigger a function in a DLL and wish to know which exported function leads to it.
The script generates and prints a graph of all function-call flows that start in exported functions and end
in the function being pointed at in IDA.
This functionality is useful when you need to trigger a function in a DLL and wish to know which exported function
leads to it.
import idaapi
import idautils
import idc
adricnet /
Last active March 2, 2021 10:12
dexray testing
import argparse
import yara
from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style
args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args_parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='cobaltstrike shellcode exe file', type=str, required=True)
args_parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='output file', type=str, required=False)
args = args_parser.parse_args()
SilkService Config
Author: Roberto Rodriguez (@Cyb3rWard0g)
License: GPL-3.0
Version: 0.0.1
Neo23x0 /
Last active August 13, 2021 13:56
String Extraction / ASCII and Wide by @RobertHaist
(strings -a -td "$@" | sed 's/^\(\s*[0-9][0-9]*\) \(.*\)$/\1 A \2/' ; strings -a -td -el "$@" | sed 's/^\(\s*[0-9][0-9]*\) \(.*\)$/\1 W \2/') | sort -n
(gstrings -a -td "$@" | gsed 's/^\(\s*[0-9][0-9]*\) \(.*\)$/\1 A \2/' ; gstrings -a -td -el "$@" | gsed 's/^\(\s*[0-9][0-9]*\) \(.*\)$/\1 W \2/') | sort -n
notareverser / code-signatures.treatise.txt
Created February 15, 2022 16:22
A brief treatise on code-based YARA signatures
Today for #100DaysOfYARA I want to dive in to some of the dirty secrets of creating/maintaining code-based YARA signatures
Let's use SQLite3 as an example. Go get the source here (I prefer the amalgamation):
I would like to reliably detect when a file is using SQLite. I often look at Windows executables, so I'm going to first concentrate on x86 programs that use this library. The easiest way to find them is to first concentrate on cleartext strings. In this case, I'm gonna pop over to VirusTotal and search for an easily-identifiable string:
content: "failed to allocate %u bytes of memory" type:pe
notareverser / yara-rules-for-libraries.txt
Created February 25, 2022 14:13
Brief treatise on the tradeoffs between YARA rules made from strings, code, and data
Today for #100DaysOfYARA I want to further explore one of my favorite topics
"How to reliably detect libraries", or how to identify that a particular program has linked or otherwise included a particular library.
Detecting libraries (especially ones written in C) pose unique challenges compared to malware, to include:
- libraries tend to be platform/architecture nonspecific
- compilerisms overwhelm otherwise decent signal
- copy/pasta and groupthink across libraries

Gmail Filters

Catch newsletters and junk

Matches: ("opt-out" OR unsubscribe OR "viewing the newsletter" OR "privacy policy" OR enews OR "edit your preferences" OR "email notifications" OR "update profile" OR smartunsubscribe OR secureunsubscribe OR yahoogroups OR "manage your account" OR "group-digests") Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "Work/Newsletters"

Keep pesky calendar invites out of inbox

Matches: (subject:("invitation" OR "accepted" OR "rejected" OR "updated" OR "canceled event" OR "declined") when where calendar who organizer) Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "GTD/Follow up"

Keep 90% of Sales emails out of Inbox

notareverser /
Last active May 14, 2022 17:15
Script to generate stackstrings YARA signatures for common implementation patterns
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, string, struct
def strByByte(_strval):
strval = bytearray(_strval.encode())
for s in strval: yield s
def strByDword(_strval):
strval = bytearray(_strval.encode())
mgeeky / complete-api-filters-list.xml
Created July 9, 2016 15:07
API Filters list for Rohitab API Monitor
<?xml version="1.0"?>
API Monitor Filter
(c) 2010-2013, Rohitab Batra <>
<Module Name="Advapi32.dll">
<Api Name="ControlService"/>