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Out huntin' bugz!

Kees C. Bakker KeesCBakker

Out huntin' bugz!
View GitHub Profile
const axios = require("axios");
function sendMessage(token, channel, ts, msg) {
token = encodeURIComponent(token);
channel = encodeURIComponent(channel);
msg = encodeURIComponent(msg);
const action = ts ? "update" : "postMessage";
const url = `${action}?token=${token}&channel=${channel}&text=${msg}&as_user=true&ts=${ts}`;
const UpdatableMessage = class {
constructor(token, channel) {
this.token = token; = channel;
this.ts = null;
this.message = null;
this.nextMessage = null;
this.sending = false;
public class KeyComparer<T> : IComparer<T>
private const int TOP = -1;
private const int BOTTOM = 1;
private const int EQUAL = 0;
private readonly Dictionary<T, int> _keys = new Dictionary<T, int>();
public KeyComparer(IEnumerable<T> keys)
public class KeyComparer<T> : IComparer<T>
private const int TOP = -1;
private const int BOTTOM = 1;
private const int EQUAL = 0;
private readonly Dictionary<T, int> _keys = new Dictionary<T, int>();
public KeyComparer(IEnumerable<T> keys)
public static class SortingExtensions
public static IDictionary<TKey, TValue> SortBy<TKey, TValue>(
this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary,
IEnumerable<TKey> keys
var sorter = new KeyComparer<TKey>(keys);
return new SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>(dictionary, sorter);
kafka_broker = "my.kafka.queue:9092"
bucket_prefix = "my-company-bucket-prefix-"
true_false = ["True", "False"]
dbutils.widgets.text("topic", "", "Topic")
dbutils.widgets.dropdown("debug", "True", true_false, "Debug")
dbutils.widgets.dropdown("streaming", "False", true_false, "Streaming")
dbutils.widgets.dropdown("update_kafka_schema", "False", true_false, "Update Kafka Schema")
def str_to_bool(value):
FALSE_VALUES = ['false', 'no', '0']
TRUE_VALUES = ['true', 'yes', '1']
lvalue = str(value).lower()
if lvalue in (FALSE_VALUES): return False
if lvalue in (TRUE_VALUES): return True
raise Exception("String value should be one of {}, but got '{}'.".format(
debug = str_to_bool(getArgument("debug"))
topic = validate_required_argument_and_return_value("topic")
streaming = str_to_bool(getArgument("streaming"))
update_kafka_schema = str_to_bool(getArgument("update_kafka_schema"))
bucket = "/mnt/{}{}-delta".format(bucket_prefix, topic)
delta_location = bucket + "/delta-table"
checkpoint_location = bucket + "/checkpoints";
schema_location = bucket + "/kafka_schema.json";
if debug:
delta_location += "_debug"
checkpoint_location += "_debug"
schema_location += "_debug.json"