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underscored text
underscored and bolded text some text after

calibration_revision (some text)

  • List 1 a lot of text that end with under_scope
  • List 2
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
void Test( float* kernel, float* src, float* dst, int n )
in al,dx
and esp,0FFFFFFF0h
sub esp,2Ch
__m128 zero = _mm_setzero_ps();
__m128 x0 = zero;
__m128 x1 = zero;
__m128 x2 = zero;
__m128 x3 = zero;
KindDragon / CompareSteamPrices.user.js
Created September 22, 2012 21:35
Compare Steam Prices
// ==UserScript==
// @name Steam Price Comparison - Unpowered edition
// @version 2.3.3
// @namespace
// @description Displays prices from all regions in the Steam store and convert them to your local currency
// @copyright 2011+, KindDragon; 2010+, Zuko; Original author: Tor (
// @homepage
// @download
// @update
// @license MIT License;
diff --git a/Project/ICSharpCode.TextEditor.csproj b/Project/ICSharpCode.TextEditor.csproj
index 13c9f35..8f055ef 100644
--- a/Project/ICSharpCode.TextEditor.csproj
+++ b/Project/ICSharpCode.TextEditor.csproj
@@ -244,4 +244,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
template <class Fun>
class ScopeGuard {
Fun f_;
bool active_;
ScopeGuard(Fun f)
: f_(std::move(f))
, active_(true) {
~ScopeGuard() { if (active_) f_(); }
template <class T>
class Expected {
union {
T ham;
std::exception_ptr spam;
bool gotHam;
Expected() {} // used internally
Expected(const T& rhs) : ham(rhs), gotHam(true) {}
KindDragon / parallel.cpp
Created February 22, 2013 15:47
OpenCV parallel_for check HAVE_CONCURRENCY
void cv::parallel_for_(const cv::Range& range, const cv::ParallelLoopBody& body, double nstripes)
if(numThreads != 0)
ProxyLoopBody pbody(body, range, nstripes);
cv::Range stripeRange = pbody.stripeRange();
#if defined HAVE_TBB
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Space vs Tab


std::string GetSomething()
    return something;