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Kmaschta /
Last active September 5, 2020 10:31
Django Rest Framework - Dynamic Fields
# How to display only interesting fields for a Django Rest Framework API
# /?fields=field1,field2,field3
from rest_framework import serializers, pagination
class DynamicFieldsModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
A ModelSerializer that takes an additional `fields` argument that
controls which fields should be displayed.
Kmaschta /
Last active April 12, 2019 19:26
Algorithme Dobble
# coding: utf-8
import sys
def plan_projectif(modulo):
"""Génération d'un plan projectif réel
Il est composé d'un plan affine (une matrice) et
des points à l'infini du plan réel.
Kmaschta /
Last active February 20, 2016 17:23
Django active view tag
from django import template
register = template.Library()
# custom tag "active_view" to return 'active' in the template when the view is active
# usage : {% active_view request name='view-name' %}
# usage : {% active_view request url='/view/abs/url' %}
# usage : {% active_view request re='^/view/ur.*' %}
def active_view(context, name=None, url=None, re=None, cond=True):
Kmaschta / pre-commit
Last active November 16, 2022 19:35
Pre-commit hook (warn if you have it.only, describe.only, fit or fdescribe)
SRC=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
EXCLUDE="--exclude-dir 'node_modules' --exclude-dir '.git'"
# Check if I forgot to remove 'only' keyword from tests.
# To make sure that before commit run all tests
only_command="grep -c -h -r $EXCLUDE -E \"(describe|it)\.only\" $SRC | awk -F ':' '{x +=\$0}; END {print x}'"
fonly_command="grep -c -h -r $EXCLUDE -E \"f(it|describe)\(\" $SRC | awk -F ':' '{x +=\$0}; END {print x}'"
only=`eval $only_command`
Kmaschta /
Last active March 22, 2017 14:25 — forked from albertstartup/
AWS GPU / P2, Ubuntu 16.04, Nvidia driver 375 & CUDA 8.0, decred/gominer
# Requirements
# - NVIDIA Driver - -
# - CUDA runfile (local) - -
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install build-essential linux-image-extra-`uname -r` -y
chmod +x
Kmaschta /
Created May 5, 2017 15:21
Retrieve a maximum of Wakatime stat
help = """Retrieve all the stats from WakaTime API
Usage: <token>
-h --help Show this very help message
Kmaschta / setup-tests.js
Created October 27, 2017 09:40
Prevent unhandled Promise rejection errors
// Warn from unhandled promise rejection that can occurs without failing tests
// jest --setupFiles setup-tests.js
process.on('unhandledRejection', (error, promise) => {
console.error('Unhandled Rejection at:', promise, `\n${error.stack}`);
Kmaschta / Makefile
Created December 12, 2017 16:49
Artifact deployment example
.PHONY: build
TAG ?=
SERVER ?= staging-server
npm install
node --require reify server.js
Kmaschta / index.js
Created February 12, 2018 12:48
Express-Winston Benchmark
const express = require('express');
const winston = require('winston');
const expressWinston = require('./express-winston');
const app = express();
const consoleFormatter = ({ level, meta: { req, res, responseTime, stack } }) => {
let msg = `${winston.config.colorize(level, level)} HTTP ${req.method} ${req.url}`;
if (res) {
Kmaschta / index.js
Created March 6, 2018 07:11
Apollo Memory Debug
const express = require('express');
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require('graphql-tools');
const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');
const books = [
{ title: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone", author: "J.K. Rowling" },
{ title: "Jurassic Park", author: "Michael Crichton" },