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Stefano Kowalke Konafets

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<php phpinfo();
Konafets / 4a0572aa-727e-49ff-a1ab-93aeef0ad54b.php
Created August 18, 2023 09:53
Ein besserer Platz für die Validierungs-Regeln in Laravel
<php phpinfo();
"$schema": "",
"basics": {
"name": "Stefano Kowalke",
"label": "Developer",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"url": "",
"summary": "I am freelance PHP developer with over 15 years experience. I started my carreer with TYPO3 and extension developing but shifted my focus towards Laravel and Statamic over the last 8 years. I specialized in refactoring legacy PHP codebases and from time to time I implement a webshop in Shopify. Certified experience in the application of the GDPR completes my profile.",
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Importdefinition für DKB-Umsatzdateien
' Importeinstellungen:
' Quelle : Textdatei (*)
' Trennzeichen für Felder : Semikolon
' Trennzeichen für Datensätze: LF
' Zeichensatz für : UTF8
' Text in Anführungszeichen : "
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Konafets / mo-connect-php-middleware.php
Created June 20, 2021 13:57
Überarbeitete Monkey Office Connect PHP Middleware
* Basisklasse für alle API-Handler
* Version: 18.1.0
* API-Schema: 91
* erstellt: 28.05.21
Konafets /
Created August 21, 2020 16:56
This GIT hook populates the commit message with a prefix like [TASK] and suffix which contains the ticket number. It takes this information from the branch name. A branch name task/1234 will create a message: [TASK] (1234))
# Only do something when we ARE NOT amending a commit!
if [ ! ${SHA1} ]; then
# We are only interesed in feature branches like feature/foo
Konafets /
Created September 26, 2019 15:10 — forked from tomasnorre/

What does it do?

This littel script fetches all packages, listed on packagist with type typo3-cms-extension, and iterates over them and collect download data for every single packages.

It will echo it as csv, so it can easily be parsed into a .csv file for better sorting etc.

How to generate csv file

$ php fetchExtensionDownloadDataFromPackagist.php &gt; downloadData.csv
Konafets / doctrine.yaml
Created December 16, 2018 19:36
Sylius Doctrine Config Annotation
# Adds a fallback DATABASE_URL if the env var is not set.
# This allows you to run cache:warmup even if your
# environment variables are not available yet.
# You should not need to change this value.
driver: 'pdo_mysql'
Konafets / doctrine.yml
Created December 16, 2018 19:28
Sylius Doctrine Configuration
# Adds a fallback DATABASE_URL if the env var is not set.
# This allows you to run cache:warmup even if your
# environment variables are not available yet.
# You should not need to change this value.
driver: 'pdo_mysql'
Konafets / .travis_sylius.yml
Created November 23, 2018 12:02
Copy the dist test_cache file
- cp .env.test_cached.dist .env.test_cached
- set -a && source .env.test_cached && set +a