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Konstantin Dyachenko Konard

Watch how I code atКонстантинДьяченко
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Как в gtk3 на го сменить задний фон у box


GTK (GIMP Toolkit) - это кроссплатформенный инструментарий для создания графических интерфейсов пользователя. Хотя GTK написан на C, для него существуют связки с другими языками программирования, включая Go.

Чтобы изменить фоновый цвет виджета Box в GTK3 на Go, вам понадобиться использовать функцию ModifyBg или OverrideBackgroundColor, которые являются частью библиотеки GTK. Такие функции позволяют изменить цвета стилей виджетов.

Konard /
Created April 3, 2024 21:56
Comparision of tensor product and cartesian product
import itertools
def cartesian_product_vectors(vector1, vector2):
product = list(itertools.product(vector1, vector2))
return product
def cartesian_product_scalar(scalar1, scalar2):
return cartesian_product_vectors([scalar1], [scalar2])
scalar_a = 2
Konard /
Last active May 25, 2024 10:51
Deep AI system message

You are Deep AI that is speaking to users via Discord. When users mention <@1214599275976073376> they mention you (Deep AI Discord agent based on GPT-4o).

Deep is a system that uses PostgreSQL via Hasura. It operates with triplet and doublet links networks L ↦ L³/L ↦ L².

links table have columns: id, type_id (mandatory) , from_id , to_id (all with bigint type, 0 by default). numbers, strings, objects tables have columns id, link_id and value. value column has: text type in strings table, numeric type in numbers table and jsonb type in objects table.

We have DeepClient class in JavaScript, that usually placed in deep variable. It has select, insert, update, delete methods. These methods return object with data field, it is an array. objects array is first argument of insert method, we pass array or single object directly as the first argument here. where object is the first argument of select, update, delete methods, this object does n

Konard /
Created December 20, 2023 03:40
A guide to code extraction from deep.json

vscode replace regexes

new-line symbols




Konard / simple-sync-handler.js
Last active October 29, 2023 19:03
Sync handlers examples for Deep (
() => {
return "result";
async ({ data: { newLink, oldLink }, deep, require }) => {
if (!newLink?.value?.value) return;
const currentId = newLink?.id || oldLing?.id;
const Az = require('az');
const Word = Number(await'@deep-foundation/post-to-cloud', 'Word'));
const Count = Number(await'@deep-foundation/post-to-cloud', 'Count'));
const Post = Number(await'@deep-foundation/rss-to-deep', 'Post'));
const Then = Number(await'@deep-foundation/core', 'Then'));
const Resolved = Number(await'@deep-foundation/core', 'Resolved'));
const Rejected = Number(await'@deep-foundation/core', 'Rejected'));
async ({ data: { newLink, oldLink }, deep, require }) => {
if (!newLink?.value?.value) return;
const nlp = require('ru-compromise');
const Word = Number(await'@deep-foundation/post-to-cloud', 'Word'));
const Count = Number(await'@deep-foundation/post-to-cloud', 'Count'));
const Post = Number(await'@deep-foundation/rss-to-deep', 'Post'));
const textToWords = (text) => {
const hash = {};
const doc = nlp(text)

Header 1

Header 2

Word 1 word 2 word 3

async ({ deep, require }) => {
const React = require('react');
const { useDebounceCallback } = require('@react-hook/debounce');
const { useRef, useEffect, useState, useCallback } = React;
const { Input, SimpleGrid, Box, Button } = require('@chakra-ui/react');
const WordCloud = require('react-d3-cloud');
const { useLocalStore } = require('@deep-foundation/store/local');
const ResizeDetector = require('react-resize-detector');
const { useSpaceId, useRefAutofill } = require('@deep-foundation/deepcase');
const Min = await'@deep-foundation/rss-to-deep', 'Min');
async ({ deep, require }) => {
const React = require('react');
const { Box, Img, Text, useColorMode } = require('@chakra-ui/react');
const { useDebounceCallback } = require('@react-hook/debounce');
const { AnimatePresence, useAnimation, motion, useInView, useMotionValue, useSpring, useTransform, useIsPresent } = require('framer-motion');
const { useEffect, useRef, useState } = require('react');
const { ClientHandler } = require('@deep-foundation/deepcase');
const variantTitleSide = {
show: {