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Kyler Middleton KyMidd

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ebs_block_device = {
"/dev/sdl" = {
volume_type = "standard"
volume_size = 50
encrypted = true
kms_key_id = var.kms_key_arn
"xvdf" = {
volume_type = "gp2"
volume_size = 200
# If all lines evaluated, and we still haven't decided to require approval, then all
# resources have been checked and none triggered approval flow
if [[ $approvalRequired == "no" ]]; then
echo "****************************************"
echo "##[section]Approval will not be required"
echo "****************************************"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=approvalRequired;isOutput=true]false"
echo ""
echo ""
# If approval required, exit immediately and export values
if [[ $approvalRequired == "yes" ]]; then
echo "****************************************"
echo "##[section]Approval will be required"
echo "****************************************"
echo ""
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=approvalRequired;isOutput=true]true"
echo ""
echo ""
if [[ $line == *"will be created"* ]]; then
echo "##[section]Approval not required for" $resource_path
if [[ $line == *"will be destroyed"* ]]; then
# If destroyed resource is always unsafe, trigger approval
if [[ ${ResourceTypesAlwaysUnsafe[@]} =~ ${resource_type} ]]; then
# Mark this path unsafe, require approval
echo "This resource is planned to be deleted, and is always unsafe to destroy without approval:" $resource_path
# If destroyed resource is always safe, then don't trigger approval
elif [[ ${ResourceTypesAlwaysSafe[@]} =~ ${resource_type} ]]; then
while IFS= read -r line; do
# Set approvalRequired
# Prepare resource path, e.g.: module.networking.aws_security_group_rule.Inbound_192Slash16_PermitAll
resource_path=$(echo $line | cut -d " " -f 2)
# Prepare resource type, e.g.: aws_security_group_rule
resource_type=$(echo $resource_path | rev | cut -d "." -f 2 | rev)
if terraform show plan.out | grep -q " 0 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy"; then
echo "##[section]No changes detected, terraform apply will not run";
# There are no changes
exit 0
declare -a ResourceTypesAlwaysUnsafe=(
declare -a ResourceTypesAlwaysSafe=(
# Plan.out is binary file populated with "terraform plan -out plan.out"
# Use terraform show to read plan.out as text, and filter for resource change lines, output to file
terraform show -no-color plan.out | grep "will be" > plan_decoded.out
terraform show -no-color plan.out | grep "must be" >> plan_decoded.out
- task: Bash@3
name: AutoApprovalTest
displayName: Auto-Approval Test
filePath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/pipelines/auto_approval_testing/'
arguments: ''
workingDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(tf_directory)'
failOnStderr: false