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Feeling tired

Ryusuke KyomiTheCat

Feeling tired
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The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger
Is someone's foot fungus,
But as it turns out
That might be what you get
A 4channer uploaded a photo
Anonymously to the site,
Showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce
With the statement: "this is the lettuce you eat at Burger King"
Burger King foot lettuce
Admittedly, he had shoes on
like silent, hungry sharks that swim in the darkness of the sea, the German submarines ar- rived in the middle of the night.
I was asleep on the second floor of our narrow, gabled green house in Willemstad, on the island of Curagao, the largest of the Dutch islands just off the coast of Venezuela. I remember that on that moonless night in February 1942, they attacked the big Lago oil refinery on Aruba, the sister island west of us. Then they blew up six of our small lake tankers, the tubby ones that still bring crude oil from Lake Maracaibo to the refinery, Curacaosche Petroleum Maatschappij, to be made into gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil. One German sub was even sighted off Wil- lemstad at dawn.
So when I woke up there was much excitement in the city, which looks like a part of old Holland, except that all the houses are painted in soft colors, pinks and greens and blues, and there are no dikes.
It was very hard to finish my breakfast because I wanted to go to Punda, the business district, the oldest par