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Laimonas Turauskas Laimiux

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sealed class CommentFormUserEvent {
data class TextChangedEvent(..): CommentFormUserEvent()
data class SubmitCommentRequestEvent(..): CommentFormUserEvent()
sealed class LoginFormUserEvent {
// We cannot use TextChangedEvent from CommentFormUserEvent
data class TextChangedEvent(..): LoginFormUserEvent()
data class LoginRequestEvent(..): LoginFormUserEvent()
fun reduce(event: TextChangedEvent): (CommentFormData) -> CommentFormData {
// implementation
return { state ->
// Let's check comment validity
val isValid = event.enteredText.length > 5
// Update the current state with the changes
return state.copy(comment = event.enteredText, isCommentValid = isValid)
fun reduce(event: TextChangedEvent): Reducer<CommentFormData> {
// implementation
fun reduce(event: Lce<Comment>): Reducer<CommentFormData> {
// implementation
fun formState(
data class CommentFormViewState(
val textEntered: String,
val isSubmitButtonEnabled: Boolean,
val onTextEntered: (String) -> Unit, /* Callback when user modifies the text */
val onSubmitButtonSelected: () -> Unit /* Callback when user clicks submit button */)
class CommentFormView(val rootView: View) {
// View binding logic
val commentTextField: EditText = rootView.findViewById(
val submitButton: Button = rootView.findViewById(
// Our view update function, takes a view state
// snapshot and updates the android views
fun setViewState(state: CommentFormViewState) {
commentTextField.text = state.textEntered
submitButton.isEnabled = state.isSubmitButtonEnabled
data class CommentFormData(
// defines what user has entered
val comment: String,
// defines if the entered comment is valid for submission
val isCommentValid: Boolean,
// defines if there is a submit request in progress
val submitRequest: Lce<Comment>?
// User modifies the comment text field
data class TextChangedEvent(val enteredText: String)
// User clicks submit
data class SubmitCommentEvent(val comment: String)
class CommentFormViewModel {
// Let's create a view state from the data provided.
fun createViewState(
data: CommentFormData,
onTextChanged: (TextChangedEvent) -> Unit,
onSubmitSelected: (SubmitCommentEvent) -> Unit
): CommentFormViewState{
val isSubmitting = data.submitRequest?.let { it.isLoading} ?: false
return CommentFormViewState(
textEntered = data.comment,
class CommentViewModel(val model: CommentFormModel) {
fun viewStateStream(): Flowable<CommentFormViewState> {
// define the relays that will allow to complete unidirectional data flow
val textChangedEventRelay = PublishRelay.create<TextChangedEvent>()
val submitEventRelay = PublishRelay.create<SubmitCommentEvent>()
return model
// We pass the user action flowables to the CommentFormModel
textChangedEvents = textChangedEventRelay.toFlowable(Backpressure.LATEST),
class CommentFormPresenter(val viewModel: CommentViewModel) {
fun attach(view: CommentFormView) {
// Don't forget to unsubscribe
viewModel.viewStateStream().subscribe { state ->