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Last active October 1, 2023 10:23
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PageContextFactory is a helper designed to reduce boilerplate when creating React contexts. It allows you to easily create contexts for pages, enabling the sharing of state and logic across the component tree.



// Hook with the logic you want to share across your page's components
export const useYourSharedLogic = () => {
  // fetch, calculate, etc

  return {


import { useYourSharedLogic } from 'hooks/useYourSharedLogic'

// Create context for the page
export const { 
} = createPageContext(useYourSharedLogic)


import { PageProvider } from './context'

// Wrap your page into the provider
export Page = () => {

  return (
      <YourPageComponentsTreeThatNeedsContext />


// Now, you're free to use it 🎉🎉🎉
export const Component = () => {
  const { data } = usePageContext()

  return <div>Hej, here is my {data}</div>
import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'
import { createPageContext } from './PageContextFactory.tsx'
describe('createPageContext', () => {
it('should create context and provide access to the state', () => {
// Mock hook
const stateHook = jest.fn(() => ['Test value', jest.fn()])
// Use the mock hook to create context
const { PageProvider, usePageContext } = createPageContext(stateHook)
const wrapper = ({ children }: { children: any }) => (
// Render the hook
const { result } = renderHook(() => usePageContext(), { wrapper })
// The hook should return the initial state
expect(result.current[0]).toBe('Test value')
it('should throw an error when usePageContext is used outside of a PageProvider', () => {
// Mock hook
const stateHook = jest.fn(() => ['Test value', jest.fn()])
// Use the mock hook to create context
const { usePageContext } = createPageContext(stateHook)
// Render the hook without a PageProvider
const { result } = renderHook(() => usePageContext())
// It should throw an error
Error('usePageContext must be used within a PageProvider'),
import { createContext, ReactElement, ReactNode, useContext } from 'react'
type HookType = (...args: any) => any
type PageProviderProps<T extends HookType> = {
children: ReactElement | ReactNode
stateHook: T
PageContext: React.Context<ReturnType<T> | undefined>
function PageProvider<T extends HookType>({
}: PageProviderProps<T>) {
const context = stateHook()
return <PageContext.Provider value={context}>{children}</PageContext.Provider>
function getUsePageContext<T extends HookType>(
PageContext: React.Context<ReturnType<HookType> | undefined>,
) {
return () => {
const context = useContext<ReturnType<T>>(PageContext)
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('usePageContext must be used within a PageProvider')
return context
export function createPageContext<T extends HookType>(stateHook: T) {
const PageContext = createContext<ReturnType<T> | undefined>(undefined)
return {
PageProvider: ({ children }: { children: ReactElement | ReactNode }) => (
<PageProvider<T> PageContext={PageContext} stateHook={stateHook}>
usePageContext: getUsePageContext<T>(PageContext),
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