Group Member Names: Jeff Woltjen and Linus Leas
Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):
Jeff would like to implement github workflow, apply newly learned concepts in js, and become familiar with HTML and CSS. Linus would also like to familiarize himself with git workflow and reinforce concepts that have been learned in the past, and also write cleaner code. As a group, we want to build our understanding through the code that we write and be able to enunciate what is going and why we wrote it the way we did.
Jeff uses inuition in solving problems and is able to reverse engineer solutions, Linus similarly works and think in the same way. Jeff likes to lead by example and likes for there to be a space for people to be heard. For Linus, he tends to be agreeable in groups, wishin