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LingDong- / encode_anim_gif.js
Created September 15, 2023 00:27
minimal animated GIF encoder in 50 lines
// encode_anim_gif.js
// minimal code to make animated GIFs from arrays of pixels
// - no compression
// - supports 127 colors (127 shades of gray by default)
function encode_anim_gif(frames,w,h,delay=5){
let bytes = [];
LingDong- /
Created June 1, 2023 19:59
(minimal) TI MSP430 μC 1,2,4 Family BSL flasher (slau319af)
(minimal) TI MSP430 1,2,4 Family BSL flasher
using pyserial, works on windows, mac, and linux
- implementation of slau319af.pdf
- programming MSP430 chips via USB-TTL / FTDI / ...
- supports Intel HEX format
- supports F1xx, F2xx, F4xx, G2xx3 chips
LingDong- / bpmrw.h
Created April 19, 2023 15:58
tiny .BMP image reader/writer in C99
tiny .BMP image reader/writer in C99
with no memory allocations
reader supports:
- 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 bit depth, palette / no palette
- RLE4 / RLE8 compression / no compression
LingDong- / png_write1.js
Created October 10, 2022 20:05
a baseline somewhat-compressing PNG writer in 150 lines
// baseline somewhat-compressing PNG writer in 150 lines
// - supports gray, gray+A, RGB, RGBA, bit depth : 8
// - uses "fixed" huffman codes of DEFLATE spec
// - compresses well for graphics with large "flat" areas,
// basically pixel-wise run-length encoding translated to LZ77 style <len,dist>,
// always filtered with SUB filter
// - writes IHDR, IDAT, IEND -- optional chunks can be
// passed as function argument to be encoded (see example)
LingDong- / png_read.js
Created October 10, 2022 15:05
a baseline PNG decoder in 400 lines
// baseline PNG decoder in 400 lines
// - supports all color types: RGBA, RGB, gray+A, gray, paletted
// - supports all bit depths: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bits (color type dependant, per spec)
// - allways return RGBA(0-255) format: other color+bit combinations will be scaled
// - downscaled 16-bit values retain floating point, e.g. 1000/65535 -> 3.89/255
// - support transparency palette / chroma-key
// - supports interlaced / non-interlaced
// - supports all zlib methods: non-compressed / fixed / dynamic huffman
// - supports all filters: none / sub / up / average / paeth
LingDong- / png_write.js
Last active October 10, 2022 20:06
a bare minimum, non-compressing PNG writer in 80 lines
// a bare minimum, non-compressing PNG writer in 80 lines
// - supports gray, gray+A, RGB, RGBA, bit depth: 8 (0-255)
// - uses "non-compressed blocks" of DEFLATE spec
// - writes IHDR, IDAT, IEND -- optional chunks can be
// passed as function argument to be encoded (see example)
// reference:
// -
// -
LingDong- /
Last active May 19, 2023 08:23
a barebones midi synthesizer calling mac's low level API (CoreMIDI and CoreAudio) directly
// a barebones midi synthesizer demo that calls
// mac's low level API (CoreMIDI and CoreAudio) directly
// (because I can't be bothered to compile other people's libraries)
// with code fragments adapted from
// -
// -
LingDong- /
Created September 13, 2021 02:22
applet to create cursor "wormholes" connecting different displays
// Lingdong Huang 2021, Public domain
// Simple app to create "wormholes" connecting different displays:
// When cursor enters a black patch, it comes out from the other
// Idea inspired by this mac app "Wormhole by Tod LLC":
// I implemented the idea in java to work on Windows
// Usage:
// javac; java Wormhole <x0> <y0> <x1> <y1>
// (arguments being the positions of the two holes)
LingDong- / triangulateMTX.ts
Created March 24, 2021 19:15
TypeScript implementation of Mei-Tipper-Xu algorithm for polygon triangulation
/* ===============================================================================
* triangulateMTX.ts
* TypeScript implementation of Mei-Tipper-Xu algorithm for polygon triangulation
* (c) Lingdong Huang 2020 (MIT License)
* =============================================================================== */
namespace triangulateMTX{
export function triangulate(
vertices : Array<[number,number]>,
params : {sliverThreshold? : number,
greedyHeuristic? : boolean,
LingDong- / ln.c
Last active May 21, 2024 10:37
simple, fast, accurate natural log approximation without <math.h>
// ln.c
// simple, fast, accurate natural log approximation
// when without <math.h>
// featuring * floating point bit level hacking,
// * x=m*2^p => ln(x)=ln(m)+ln(2)p,
// * Remez algorithm
// by Lingdong Huang, 2020. Public domain.