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1970 /nix/store

Daiderd Jordan LnL7

1970 /nix/store
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LnL7 / JDAppController.m
Created October 24, 2011 14:50
#import "JDAppController.h"
static UIWindow *springBoardWindow;
@interface JDAppController()
@implementation JDAppController
LnL7 / gist:2008794
Created March 9, 2012 21:27
CoffeeScript: Ember example statemanager
App.stateManager = Ember.StateManager.create
rootElement: '#content'
section1: Ember.ViewState.create
view: App.section1
section2: Ember.ViewState.create
view: App.section2
App.goToState 'section1'
LnL7 /
Created April 16, 2012 15:13 — forked from dan/
Shell: OSX For Hackers
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
LnL7 /
Created May 21, 2012 18:11
PList: IPfw rules
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
LnL7 / cat node_.plist
Created May 27, 2012 21:37
Node.js iPod 2,1 iOS 4.2.1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
derp = "bai"
zorb = "moo"
poop = ->
derp = "sup"
zorb = "xx"
alert deep
alert zorb
zorb2 = poop()
class Serv
@instances: {}
@each: (cb) ->
for key,val of @instances
cb val
@get: (number) ->
module One where
class HTML a where
oneToHTML :: a -> String
manyToHTML :: [a] -> String
data Attribute = Attribute {
#lang r5rs
(#%require "dispatching.rkt")
(define (make-wallet value)
(define (add! amount)
(set! value (+ value amount)))
(define (take! amount)
(set! value (- value amount)))
(dispatch (wallet) add! take! value))
(define white #b111111111111)
(define blue #b111100000000)
(define green #b000011110000)
(define red #b000000001111)
;Tile smaller than 10 might slow drawing, but will not cause flashes
(define tile 10) ;size of a `pixel'
(define size 13) ;number of pixels (/ 130 10)
(define index 169) ;total number of pixels