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LukasKnuth / README
Created March 7, 2012 10:40
A simple script that helps setting up your portable tools in the msysgit-shell.
-- Add Portable software to your msysgit-PATH --
If you like to work with your *nix shell even under Windows, you'll
likely use the git-bash provided by msysgit a lot.
A problem might be, that you don't have your tools in the PATH of that
shell and therefore can't use them. Those tools might be on the same
USB-drive as the git-shell, so you would have to adjust the PATH
(if you're allowed to) every time the drive-letter changes.
LukasKnuth / README
Created February 15, 2012 22:18
This Python script can be used as a "pre-commit"-hook, to check if a huge binary file got accidentally added to the staging area (and is about to be committed). Because deleting those afterwards is a huge pain in the ass...
If you accidentally commit a huge file, you have a problem. Sure, you can remove it from the working tree and commit,
but the file is still reachable from your history and therefore causes every clone to be as huge as the commented
binary file.
Fixing this can be very ugly, time consuming and might not even work as you wish. Luckily, this script can protect
you from committing such monsters in the first place.
It looks through the staged files (the ones that are added with the "git add"-command) and checks for their file-size.
If they are larger then the given size, the commit is aborted and you get a message telling you what file takes so