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thing = """1 ID:K-95 list of data
0 ID:D-56 list of other data"""
idtag = "K-95"
for line in thing.split('\n'):
if line.startswith('1') and line.startswith(idtag, 5, 5+4):
x = [[1],[1],[1],[-1]]
a = [[-2,-1,-1,-2],[1,-2,2,-1],[-1,-2,-2,-1],[2,-1,1,-2]]
h = 0.1
def K(h,a,x):
cont = [1,2,3,4]
k = [h * item for item in cont]
y = [[item_x[0] + item_k/4] for item_x, item_k in zip(x, k)]
return y
import io
import pandas as pd
a = """[[ 0.96725219 0.01808783 0.63087793 0.45407222 0.30586779 0.04848813
[ 0.87762897 0.07705762 0.33049588 0.91429797 0.5776607 0.18207652
0.2355932 ]
[ 0.68803166 0.31540537 0.92606902 0.83542726 0.43457601 0.44952604
[ 0.14366487 0.23486924 0.16421432 0.27709387 0.19646975 0.8243488
class A(object):
def __reversed__(self):
return [1,2,3]
%load_ext cython
from cpython.sequence cimport PySequence_Check
def is_sequence(val):
return PySequence_Check(val)
class A(object):
from iteration_utilities import roundrobin
from itertools import chain, cycle, islice
def shuffle_mseifert(L):
return list(roundrobin(L[:len(L)//2], L[len(L)//2:]))
def shuffle_mitch(l):
return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(l[:len(l)//2], l[len(l)//2:])))
# explicit loops
l = []
for a in x:
for b in a:
if b == k:
# list-comprehension
for a in x
class Streams(object):
def _initialize_attributes(self):
from IPython import get_ipython
except ImportError:
except NameError:
self._OutStream = None
from itertools import groupby
import math
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
def Divakar(a):
# Mask of NaNs
mask = np.concatenate(([False],np.isnan(a),[False]))
/* Helper to warn about deprecated tp_compare return values. Return:
-2 for an exception;
-1 if v < w;
0 if v == w;
1 if v > w.
(This function cannot return 2.)
static int
adjust_tp_compare(int c)