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Last active March 12, 2021 11:00
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# Configuration for telegraf agent
## Default data collection interval for all inputs
interval = "1s"
## Rounds collection interval to 'interval'
## ie, if interval="10s" then always collect on :00, :10, :20, etc.
round_interval = true
## Telegraf will send metrics to outputs in batches of at most
## metric_batch_size metrics.
## This controls the size of writes that Telegraf sends to output plugins.
metric_batch_size = 5000
## Maximum number of unwritten metrics per output. Increasing this value
## allows for longer periods of output downtime without dropping metrics at the
## cost of higher maximum memory usage.
metric_buffer_limit = 100000
## Collection jitter is used to jitter the collection by a random amount.
## Each plugin will sleep for a random time within jitter before collecting.
## This can be used to avoid many plugins querying things like sysfs at the
## same time, which can have a measurable effect on the system.
collection_jitter = "0s"
## Default flushing interval for all outputs. Maximum flush_interval will be
## flush_interval + flush_jitter
flush_interval = "1s"
## Jitter the flush interval by a random amount. This is primarily to avoid
## large write spikes for users running a large number of telegraf instances.
## ie, a jitter of 5s and interval 10s means flushes will happen every 10-15s
flush_jitter = "0s"
## By default or when set to "0s", precision will be set to the same
## timestamp order as the collection interval, with the maximum being 1s.
## ie, when interval = "10s", precision will be "1s"
## when interval = "250ms", precision will be "1ms"
## Precision will NOT be used for service inputs. It is up to each individual
## service input to set the timestamp at the appropriate precision.
## Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s".
precision = ""
## Log at debug level.
debug = true
## Log only error level messages.
# quiet = false
## Log target controls the destination for logs and can be one of "file",
## "stderr" or, on Windows, "eventlog". When set to "file", the output file
## is determined by the "logfile" setting.
logtarget = "stderr"
## Name of the file to be logged to when using the "file" logtarget. If set to
## the empty string then logs are written to stderr.
# logfile = ""
## The logfile will be rotated after the time interval specified. When set
## to 0 no time based rotation is performed. Logs are rotated only when
## written to, if there is no log activity rotation may be delayed.
# logfile_rotation_interval = "0d"
## The logfile will be rotated when it becomes larger than the specified
## size. When set to 0 no size based rotation is performed.
# logfile_rotation_max_size = "0MB"
## Maximum number of rotated archives to keep, any older logs are deleted.
## If set to -1, no archives are removed.
# logfile_rotation_max_archives = 5
## Override default hostname, if empty use os.Hostname()
hostname = ""
## If set to true, do no set the "host" tag in the telegraf agent.
omit_hostname = false
# Configuration for sending metrics to InfluxDB
## The URLs of the InfluxDB cluster nodes.
## Multiple URLs can be specified for a single cluster, only ONE of the
## urls will be written to each interval.
## ex: urls = [""]
urls = [""]
## Token for authentication.
token = "WtcQX31NksChPXruKd0uHV-yZoS8LA9UqoykB2PbXa7hw4cdXELwiylFCOe1pHMCPYLkOFtAFAAAhX2Fv7QOxg=="
## Organization is the name of the organization you wish to write to; must exist.
organization = ""
## Destination bucket to write into.
bucket = "m.bucket"
## The value of this tag will be used to determine the bucket. If this
## tag is not set the 'bucket' option is used as the default.
# bucket_tag = ""
## If true, the bucket tag will not be added to the metric.
# exclude_bucket_tag = false
## Timeout for HTTP messages.
# timeout = "5s"
## Additional HTTP headers
# http_headers = {"X-Special-Header" = "Special-Value"}
## HTTP Proxy override, if unset values the standard proxy environment
## variables are consulted to determine which proxy, if any, should be used.
# http_proxy = "http://corporate.proxy:3128"
## HTTP User-Agent
# user_agent = "telegraf"
## Content-Encoding for write request body, can be set to "gzip" to
## compress body or "identity" to apply no encoding.
content_encoding = "gzip"
## Enable or disable uint support for writing uints influxdb 2.0.
# influx_uint_support = false
## Optional TLS Config for use on HTTP connections.
# tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
# tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
# # Statsd UDP/TCP Server
## Protocol, must be "tcp", "udp", "udp4" or "udp6" (default=udp)
protocol = "udp"
## MaxTCPConnection - applicable when protocol is set to tcp (default=250)
max_tcp_connections = 250
## Enable TCP keep alive probes (default=false)
tcp_keep_alive = false
## Specifies the keep-alive period for an active network connection.
## Only applies to TCP sockets and will be ignored if tcp_keep_alive is false.
## Defaults to the OS configuration.
# tcp_keep_alive_period = "2h"
## Address and port to host UDP listener on
service_address = ":8186"
## The following configuration options control when telegraf clears it's cache
## of previous values. If set to false, then telegraf will only clear it's
## cache when the daemon is restarted.
## Reset gauges every interval (default=true)
delete_gauges = true
## Reset counters every interval (default=true)
delete_counters = true
## Reset sets every interval (default=true)
delete_sets = true
## Reset timings & histograms every interval (default=true)
delete_timings = true
## Percentiles to calculate for timing & histogram stats
percentiles = [50.0, 90.0, 99.0, 99.9, 99.95, 100.0]
## separator to use between elements of a statsd metric
metric_separator = "_"
## Parses tags in the datadog statsd format
parse_data_dog_tags = true
## Parses datadog extensions to the statsd format
datadog_extensions = false
## Statsd data translation templates, more info can be read here:
# templates = [
# "cpu.* measurement*"
# ]
## Number of UDP messages allowed to queue up, once filled,
## the statsd server will start dropping packets
allowed_pending_messages = 50000
## Number of timing/histogram values to track per-measurement in the
## calculation of percentiles. Raising this limit increases the accuracy
## of percentiles but also increases the memory usage and cpu time.
percentile_limit = 10000
## Max duration (TTL) for each metric to stay cached/reported without being updated.
#max_ttl = "1000h"
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mstoykov commented Mar 12, 2021

With the perceintiles you can do stuff like
It seems like the stated input does a lot more aggregation based on the interval which is probably okay for performance testing.
This does actually handle pretty nicely around 2k RPS without any noticeable problems

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