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Maksold / local.xml
Last active May 28, 2021 20:02
#magento #xml - local.xml boilerplate
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--Root/Default Layouts-->
<reference name="root">
<!--Appending Block-->
<block type="page/html_breadcrumbs" name="breadcrumbs" as="breadcrumbs"/>
<!--CSS and JS Files-->
DaRaFF /
Last active October 13, 2023 00:16
Ubuntu php development environment

#Introduction If you're a php developer on ubuntu, there comes the time where you have to install/reinstall your system. I did it already a few times and i decided to write down the steps for a typical web developer stack with php. This is for a developer machine and not for a live environment!

I hope it helps you too!

fyi @mheiniger and me started with an installer here:

cbmd / default.conf
Created December 9, 2012 21:13
nginx config - dynamic virtual hosts
server {
index index.php;
set $basepath "/var/www";
set $domain $host;
# check one name domain for simple application
if ($domain ~ "^(.[^.]*)\.dev$") {
set $domain $1;
set $rootpath "${domain}";

Magento Code Snippets

Download extension manually using mage

./mage config-set preferred_state stable
./mage clear-cache
./mage sync
./mage download community Module_Name
danvbe /
Last active April 21, 2023 15:39
A way to integrate FosUserBundle and HWIOAuthBundle

I have managed to install this… and make it work. I implemented it for Facebook and Google, but you can extend it. My solution it is mostly as described in #116, with a bit of more code presented. The key aspects that lack in the #116 presentation (IMO) are:

  • the registration as service of your custom FOSUBUserProvider (with the necessary parameters)
  • set the service for oauth_user_provider in the security.yml with your custom created service

Here are the steps:

  1. Routing. In routing.yml I have added all the routes for both bundles.
  2. Configuration. I have set the config.yml mostly as it is presented in the HWIOAuthBundle.
  3. Security. I have set the security.yml mostly as it is presented in the HWIOAuthBundle (though my routes are using /login pattern, not /connect). Also, the oauth_user_provider is set for my custom service.
benmarks / workbench.php
Last active April 5, 2016 15:07
Magento workbench script with full error output.
* Working with Magento outside of the normal routing dispatch
* flow of Mage::run()? Mage::app(); is the way to go. This
* workbench script can be a quick way to check on various
* parts of the app, including configuration, which can be
* handy when verifying custom modules.
//set some PHP params for ease of debugging
chrismeller / ping.conf
Created February 9, 2013 20:02
My PHP-FPM pool.d config files.
ping.path = /ping
ck-on / ocp.php
Last active May 18, 2024 22:35
OCP - Opcache Control Panel (aka Zend Optimizer+ Control Panel for PHP)#ocp #php #opcache #opcode #cache #zend #optimizerplus #optimizer+
OCP - Opcache Control Panel (aka Zend Optimizer+ Control Panel for PHP)
Author: _ck_ (with contributions by GK, stasilok)
Version: 0.1.7
Free for any kind of use or modification, I am not responsible for anything, please share your improvements
* revision history
0.1.7 2015-09-01 regex fix for PHP7 phpinfo
0.1.6 2013-04-12 moved meta to footer so graphs can be higher and reduce clutter
iboard / .tmux.conf
Last active January 20, 2019 08:02
My .tmux-config for Mac OS X, iTerm2
set-window-option -g utf8 on
set -g mode-mouse on
set -g mouse-resize-pane on
set -g mouse-select-pane on
set -g mouse-select-window on
set-option -g prefix C-q
set -g history-limit 50000
unbind-key C-b
bind-key q send-prefix
set -g base-index 1
jan-j / Print an associative array as an ASCII table
Last active August 8, 2018 07:53
My solution to the task "Print an associative array as an ASCII table". More info can be found on task author page:
const SPACING_X = 1;
const SPACING_Y = 0;
const JOINT_CHAR = '+';
const LINE_X_CHAR = '-';
const LINE_Y_CHAR = '|';
$table = array(