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Mahoney / stateful_spa.scala
Last active September 29, 2018 22:17 — forked from japgolly/stateful_spa.scala
Stateful SPA
// Overview of how this works:
// 1. Initialisation data is used to create an instance of LoadedRoot.
// 2. LoadedRoot contains a component which is the virtual top-level component.
// It uses the initialisation data and can be sure that it won't change (a guarantee you don't have with component props).
// It's the only component to have state.
// The state can applies to the entire SPA, all routes.
// It gets told by the router which page to render.
// It can house logic that applies when certain pages change to certain other pages.
// 3. LoadedRoot is passed to Routes.routerConfig.
// Routes.routerConfig creates a config that sends all routes to the LoadedRoot component, using the Page & RouterCtl as props.