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Jasiek Matusz Marahin

View GitHub Profile
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
string simple_2(unsigned long long int liczba){
/* ta funkcja ucina niepotrzebne zera, tak, aby ciag byl ciagiem systemu dwojkowego (przyjmuje tylko liczby naturalne, w systemie 10-nym) */
string binary = bitset<8>(liczba).to_string(); /* konwertujemy liczbe na binarna (o wielkosci 16 bitow) i zamieniamy w string (bo normalne liczby nie moga zaczynac sie od "0" :)) */
string new_binary;
bool received = false; /* zmienna ktora definiuje, czy skonczylismy ucinac zera z poczatku */
"picture": "",
"_id": "5494a031b43e219b5dd8d404",
"name": "Acevedo Church",
"gender": "male",
"age": 36,
"email": "",
"address": "652 Scott Avenue, Newkirk, West Virginia, 8972",
"balance": "$3,218.17",
Marahin / zad1.cpp
Created February 9, 2015 16:45
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main(){
/* ustawiamy, aby rand() zawsze generowal nowe liczby na podstawie czasu */
srand( time( NULL ) );
int tab[10][10],i=0,j=0,suma=0;
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'daemons''leds.rb')
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 1 column, instead of 2. in line 1.
typ nazwa opis
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<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" id="ip-address" value="Adres IP">
<input type="text" id="address-mask" value="Adres podsieci">
<input type="button" id="submit" value="Oblicz">
I use a button to change the I18n.locale, which also sets the locale in session[:locale]. Everything works fine, every view is translated, flash messages as well, devise views, etc.
The problem I stepped upon, is that the Post model validation errors, after changing the locale with the button, are still sent in the old language (everything else, flash messages, devise views, and other views are properly translated). Refreshing the site doesn't fix it.
Model validations:
validates_length_of :description, :minimum => 5, :maximum => 500, :too_long => I18n.t('posts.too_long'), :too_short => I18n.t('posts.too_short')
Reproducing the error:
TL:DR - after changing the language, if user submits invalid values for Post model, the validation error is still thrown in the previous locale.
Extended version with code:
I use a button to change the I18n.locale, which also sets the locale in session[:locale]. Everything works fine, every view is translated, flash messages as well, devise views, etc.
The problem I stepped upon, is that the Post model validation errors, after changing the locale with the button, are still sending messages translated to the old language (everything else, flash messages, devise views, and other views are properly translated). Refreshing the site doesn't fix it.
Model validations:
root :to => 'home#index'
post 'auth/:provider/callback' => 'sessions#create'
post 'auth/failure', :to => 'sessions#failure'
Marahin / desc.txt
Last active October 27, 2015 14:08
I'm trying to download some API results from
the link opened in browser works just fine, however when I tried to open it with open-uri (open(link).read()) it threw a [] 400.
I was adviced to take a look into headers I send, and so I have found some in Chrome devtools. I now get a response, however it's unreadable, and I suspect it might be due to the encoding / gzip inflation? Not sure, I'm really a rookie.
Help will be greatly appreciated. The code I'm using is shown below. :)