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JakeWharton /
Created May 21, 2013 01:14
A `HttpStack` implementation for Volley that uses OkHttp as its transport.
import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient;
* An {@link HttpStack} implementation which
* uses OkHttp as its transport.
public class CircularProgressDrawable extends Drawable
implements Animatable {
private static final Interpolator ANGLE_INTERPOLATOR = new LinearInterpolator();
private static final Interpolator SWEEP_INTERPOLATOR = new DecelerateInterpolator();
private static final int ANGLE_ANIMATOR_DURATION = 2000;
private static final int SWEEP_ANIMATOR_DURATION = 600;
private static final int MIN_SWEEP_ANGLE = 30;
private final RectF fBounds = new RectF();
gabrielemariotti /
Last active November 27, 2022 09:27
Floating Action Button (requires Android-L preview)
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
int size = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.fab_size);
Outline outline = new Outline();
JakeWharton / gist:f50f3b4d87e57d8e96e9
Created February 7, 2015 01:59
Rise and Shine™, unlock and wake up your device automatically when you deploy from the IDE. Put this somewhere in your `src/debug/` code and run it when the application or main activity starts. Apache 2.
* Show the activity over the lockscreen and wake up the device. If you launched the app manually
* both of these conditions are already true. If you deployed from the IDE, however, this will
* save you from hundreds of power button presses and pattern swiping per day!
public static void riseAndShine(Activity activity) {
PowerManager power = (PowerManager) activity.getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
PowerManager.WakeLock lock =
alexfu /
Last active August 22, 2023 07:53
Add equal spacing to RecyclerView items automatically. Can handle horizontal, vertical, and grid display modes
import android.view.View;
public class EqualSpacingItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
private final int spacing;
private int displayMode;
public static final int HORIZONTAL = 0;
mustafasevgi /
Created April 7, 2016 13:07 — forked from imran0101/
RecyclerView position helper to get first and last visible positions
* Custom Scroll listener for RecyclerView.
* Based on implementation
public abstract class EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {
public static String TAG = "EndlessScrollListener";
private int previousTotal = 0; // The total number of items in the dataset after the last load
private boolean loading = true; // True if we are still waiting for the last set of data to load.
private int visibleThreshold = 5; // The minimum amount of items to have below your current scroll position before loading more.
bcnzer / postman-pre-request.js
Last active June 4, 2024 08:55
Postman pre-request script to automatically get a bearer token from Auth0 and save it for reuse
const echoPostRequest = {
url: 'https://<my url>',
method: 'POST',
header: 'Content-Type:application/json',
body: {
mode: 'application/json',
raw: JSON.stringify(
client_id:'<your client ID>',
client_secret:'<your client secret>',
naturalwarren / AccessTokenAuthenticator.kt
Last active October 30, 2023 15:14
An OkHttp Authenticator that performs token refreshes.
* Authenticator that attempts to refresh the client's access token.
* In the event that a refresh fails and a new token can't be issued an error
* is delivered to the caller. This authenticator blocks all requests while a token
* refresh is being performed. In-flight requests that fail with a 401 are
* automatically retried.
class AccessTokenAuthenticator(
private val tokenProvider: AccessTokenProvider
) : Authenticator {
msauza /
Last active May 8, 2024 08:59
Multi-Layer, Multi-Stage: Spring Boot application with Docker.


Spring Boot applications can run within a container by Multi-Layer based approach. Each layer may contain different parts of the application such as dependencies, source code, resources and even snapshot dependencies.

In the other hand, with Multi-Stage Build approach, any application can be built at a separate image from the final image that will contain the runnable application.

Spring Boot Docker


objcode / ConcurrencyHelpers.kt
Last active May 31, 2024 13:31
Helpers to control concurrency for one shot requests using Kotlin coroutines.
/* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,