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Can i go back to Cali and explore the wilderness?

Matej Plavevski MatejMecka

Can i go back to Cali and explore the wilderness?
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That's it this is the entire API.
from flask import Flask, jsonify
import markovify
app = Flask(__name__)
with open("nietzche.txt") as f:
text =
MatejMecka /
Created December 11, 2019 20:11
Hello Stanisha!


  • Describe several situations in which an object is not in equilibrium, even though the net force on it is zero.

    • An example would be using a wrench to turn a bolt. The force is pulling from one side and pushing from the other (going in opposite directions) and so the net force would be zero, however, because of the difference in torque, the bolt would rotate.
    • Transitional and Rotational Equilibrium
  • A bungee jumper momentarily comes to rest at the bottom of the dive before he springs back upward. At that moment, is the bungee jumper in equilibrium? Explain.

    • The rope of bungee jumping is like a spring. When the net force acting on an object is zero the object is said to be in translational equilibrium. The bungee jumping rope is like a spring. When the load is suspended, the rope stretches until the net force acting on the object is zero. When the weight of the object W and restoring force of the spring F is equal the object comes to rest. This point is the lowest


A script developed during Google Code In 2017 for CCExtractor Development to summarize an article.


  • Python


pip install pysrt pip install -u Gensim pip install topia.termextract

cc.api_add_param(s,param) # for each parameter call this function.
#very mandatory for keeping a track of pythonapi call. Always must be set.
cc.my_pythonapi(s, callback)
#once done you are going to compile all params.
compile_ret = cc.compile_params(s,len(<params>));
MatejMecka /
Last active December 12, 2017 16:50
GCI 2017

Arduino: Come up with 3 ideas for Arduino projects related to subtitles

Send SMS if favorite show is on TV

We have a TVBox but there's nothing good on TV except HBO and rarely the Simpsons and South Park. I usually recorded the Simpsons episode but now the recording function broke. I know I can watch them using torrents but it's different watching on a bigger screen and taking the entire space on the couch. And After School I have a lot of free time but never actually check the TV. So my first idea is to connect an Arduino to a TV box and check the TV guide or based on the intro of the show usually the Simpsons start with the subtitle " the sinpsons". While the Arduino is parsing the data via a video experimenter shield and registers it it will send me an SMS via a gsm modem or a notification via an internet shield using Slacks API or pushbullet

Detect emotions.

MatejMecka /
Created December 12, 2017 10:19
I've interviewed Alex Bratosin and Evgeny Shulgin and talked about Google Code In

GCI Winners Interview

Google Code-In is a competition happening during November till the end of the winter break that encourages teens from the age of 13 to 17 to learn more about Open Source and contribute to it.

During Code-In students are collaborating and working on solving problems ranging from coding, documentation, training, outreach, research, quality assurance and user interface to help the organization they picked.

Last year it was my first year participating in Google Code-In and that year I made a lot of friends that we are staying in touch. Together we work on collaborating on Projects of our own, Help each other when we are stuck and express our opinions on Linux Distributions.

Sadly I’m not a winner to talk about it but two of my best friends are and I’m really proud of them and their contributions. Great work guys!

Anyways I decided to do an interview too and learn more about what they did during Code-In and tips I can get to go to the magical paradise called Googleplex. This year they

MatejMecka /
Last active November 28, 2017 18:43
GCI17 CCExtractor Development
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# To start bot install SlackClient from pip. Make sure bot joins #general only! Leave it to run. Use supervisor i'd recommmend
from slackclient import SlackClient
import time
slack_token = "" #token for slack
sc = SlackClient(slack_token)
messagetosend = "" #message to great
MatejMecka /
Created October 24, 2017 17:16
Status na Hacklabot/
# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
import requests
import json
import time
res = requests.get('')
data = json.loads(res.text)
if data['results'][0]['series'][0]['values'][0][1] == 'OPEN':
print "Хаклабот е отворен! и тоа од: " + str(time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime(int(data['results'][0]['series'][0]['values'][0][0]))))
MatejMecka / torta.cpp
Created September 19, 2017 14:06
Tapa sum
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int eggs;