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Created September 27, 2014 03:41
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clojure: listen to a port and parse lines

Clojure TCP Simple Server

Creates a clojure script that listens on TCP port 8000 and prints out lines received through the connection.

(require '[ :as io])
(import '[ ServerSocket])

(defn receive
  "Read a sequence of lines from the socket"
  (line-seq (io/reader socket)))

(defn serve [port]
  "iterate through lines received on the established TCP connection"
  (with-open [server-sock (ServerSocket. port)
              sock (.accept server-sock)]
    (doseq [msg-in (receive sock)]
      (println msg-in))))

(serve 8000)

based off sample from clojure-cookbook

Try it out

< /usr/share/dict/words nc localhost 8000


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Nice work.

In code golf form:

(require '[ :as io])
(import '[ ServerSocket])

(defn serve
  "iterate through lines received on the established TCP connection"
  (with-open [sock (.accept (ServerSocket. port))]
    (doseq [msg-in (#(line-seq (io/reader %)) sock)]
      (println msg-in))))

(serve 8000)

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