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svanoort /
Last active December 20, 2023 02:27
Blessed GC settings for big servers
# Base settings and GC logging
-server -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch # First should be default, but we make it explicit, second pre-zeroes memory mapped pages on JVM startup -- improves runtime performance
# -Xloggc:gc-%t.log # CUSTOMIZE LOCATION HERE - $path/gc-%t.log -- the %t in the gc log file path is so we get a new file with each JVM restart
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:GCLogFileSize=20m # Limits the number of files, logs to folder
-XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCCause
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintReferenceGC -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy # gather info on object age & reference GC time for further tuning if needed.
# G1 specific settings -- probably should be default for multi-core systems with >2 GB of heap (below that, default is probably fine)
Dinnerbone / minecraft_commands.txt
Last active September 12, 2023 19:53
Minecraft Java Edition 1.13 changes
advancement grant <targets> everything
advancement grant <targets> from <advancement>
advancement grant <targets> only <advancement>
advancement grant <targets> only <advancement> <criterion>
advancement grant <targets> through <advancement>
advancement grant <targets> until <advancement>
advancement revoke <targets> everything
advancement revoke <targets> from <advancement>
advancement revoke <targets> only <advancement>
advancement revoke <targets> only <advancement> <criterion>
matthewzring /
Last active June 10, 2024 08:55
A guide to Markdown on Discord.

Markdown Text 101

Want to inject some flavor into your everyday text chat? You're in luck! Discord uses Markdown, a simple plain text formatting system that'll help you make your sentences stand out. Here's how to do it! Just add a few characters before & after your desired text to change your text! I'll show you some examples...

What this guide covers: