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Matthew Hodgkins MattHodge

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MattHodge / 04_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_DoubleQuotes.ps1
Last active November 8, 2015 13:05
Description for 04_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_DoubleQuotes.ps1
# Create a hash table for the item and use double quotes
$myItem = @{
type = 'Beer'
price = '$6.00'
$myString = "The price of a $($myItem.type) is $($myItem.price)"
Write-Output $myString
MattHodge / 03_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables.ps1
Created August 16, 2015 11:51
Description for 03_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables.ps1
# Create a hash table for the item and use double quotes
$myItem = @{
type = 'Beer'
price = '$6.00'
$myString = "The price of a $myItem.type is $myItem.price"
Write-Output $myString
MattHodge / 05_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_SingleQuotes.ps1
Created August 16, 2015 11:51
Description for 05_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_SingleQuotes.ps1
# When our string contains single quotes
$myItem = @{
name = 'Matt'
age = 29
$myString = "The user '$($' is of age '$($myItem.age)'"
Write-Output $myString
MattHodge / 06_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_DoubleDoubleQuotes.ps1
Created August 16, 2015 11:51
Description for 06_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_DoubleDoubleQuotes.ps1
# When our string contains double quotes
$myItem = @{
name = 'Matt'
age = 29
$myStringBackTicks = "The user `"$($`" is of age `"$($myItem.age)`""
$myStringDoubleQuotes = "The user ""$($"" is of age ""$($myItem.age)"""
Write-Output $myStringBackTicks
MattHodge / 07_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_WebSite.ps1
Last active November 8, 2015 13:05
Description for 07_Blog_PSStringFormating_HashTables_WebSite.ps1
$webData = @{
name = 'Matt'
fontcolor = 'red'
type = 'beer'
price = '6.00'
age = 29
$htmlPage = "
MattHodge / 01_Blog_Win10_Development_PC_PSProfile.ps1
Last active November 8, 2015 13:04
# Create a symlink to the profile in your shared drive
cmd /c mklink $PROFILE D:\DataHodge\Dropbox\PSProfile\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
# Load the profile into the current session
MattHodge / 02_Blog_Win10_Development_PC_Atom.ps1
Last active February 2, 2016 03:02
# Linter to validate the code as you are typing
apm install linter
# Install rubocop gem
gem install rubocop
# Linter for ruby
apm install linter-rubocop
# Rubocop auto corrector
MattHodge / 03_Blog_Win10_Development_PC_Git.ps1
Last active August 1, 2016 10:55
# Add Path Variable ssh-keygen path in the git folder - do this manually if you aren't using the function
Add-PathVariable -Path 'C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin'
# Generate SSH Key - accept the defaults
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -P <SomePassPhrase>
# Add your key to the ssh-agent which will prevent you having to enter in the passphrase every time the key is used
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Copy the contents of the key to the clipboard
MattHodge / 04_Blog_Win10_Development_PC_Vagrant.ps1
Last active November 8, 2015 13:04
# Install vagrant plugins
vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-berkshelf'
vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-dsc'
vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-omnibus'
vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-reload'
vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-vbguest'
vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-vbox-snapshot'
vagrant plugin install 'vagrant-winrm'
vagrant plugin install 'winrm-fs'
MattHodge / 05_Blog_Win10_Development_PC_Chef_Berks.ps1
Last active February 2, 2016 03:07
# Create knife.rb config - more details here
atom ~/.chef/knife.rb
# Create Berksfile config - more details here
atom ~/.berkshelf/config.json
# Verify you can communicate with the chef server
knife user list