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Version 0.05 June 2021
Copyright (c) 2021 Megaf <>
Everyone and everything, as in ROBOTS, AI, ALIENS and ANY other THINKING BEINGS,
are allowed to SHARE, MODIFY, SELL, BURN, RUN, DELETE, POST, or do anything one
might want to do to this Software, Art Piece, Hardware Design or whatever this license
is attributed/attached to, as long as the following terms and requirements are met.
1. This license must be always distributed with whatever this license is licensing.
Megaf / Wing Air fleet
Last active October 16, 2018 09:20
Wing Air fleet

Wing Air Fleet

Small Field

  1. DHC6

Short Haul

  1. Embraer E195

Medium Haul

Megaf /
Created February 25, 2019 08:38
My FlightGear launch command right now.
fgfs --visibility=10000 --prop:/sim/rendering/shaders/quality-level=0 --prop:/sim/multiplay/visibility-range-nm=300 --prop:/sim/rendering/texture-compression=off --log-level=alert --prop:/sim/rendering/multithreading-mode=CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext --disable-hud-3d --disable-horizon-effect --prop:/sim/rendering/random-vegetation=false --disable-distance-attenuation --disable-real-weather-fetch --disable-random-objects --disable-random-vegetation --disable-random-buildings --disable-ai-models --disable-ai-traffic --disable-rembrandt --disable-specular-highlight --disable-clouds3d --fg-aircraft=/home/reggie/.fgfs/Aircraft --enable-terrasync --multiplay=in,24,,5000 --multiplay=out,24,,5000 --aircraft=m2000-5 --airport=KSUU --enable-fullscreen --prop:/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz=60 --geometry=1366x768 --bpp=32 --timeofday=noon

Part 1 [50 marks]

You are required to design and implement a database for the HR department of a company using either ​ CHEN or Crow’s​ ​ foot​ notation. To do this, use a visual database design or administration tool, such as ​​ and ​ MySQL Workbench​.

The HR department needs to record information about its employees, job titles, and the departments that they work at. You are given the following requirements that need to be stored:

  • Employees​ should have a unique identifier, date of birth, name, gender, salary, title and hire date.
<!-- Landing and Search Light fake cone - disable in rembrand -->
Megaf / gist:cabc683f815455f2f3e80d1ad79b6090
Created February 3, 2021 13:21
F-16 MP Crash FlightGear
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
0.00 [WARN]:gui :0: Failed to load default (en) translations
0.00 [INFO]:gui :0: UI languages: ("en-IE", "en")
0.00 [INFO]:general /home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next_Source_Files/FlightGear/src/Main/main.cxx:629: FlightGear: Version 2020.4.0
0.00 [INFO]:general /home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next_Source_Files/FlightGear/src/Main/main.cxx:630: FlightGear: Build Type Dev
0.00 [INFO]:general /home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next_Source_Files/FlightGear/src/Main/main.cxx:631: Built with GNU C++ version 8.3
0.00 [INFO]:general /home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next_Source_Files/FlightGear/src/Main/main.cxx:633: Jenkins number/ID 0:none
0.00 [INFO]:general /home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next_Source_Files/FlightGear/src/Main/options.cxx:2994: set from FG_ROOT env var: fg_root = Path "/home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next/data"
0.00 [INFO]:input /home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next_Source_Files/FlightGear/src/Main/globals.cxx:830: Reading user settings from Path "/home/reglnx/FlightGear-Next/fghome/autosave_2020_
Megaf /
Last active February 12, 2021 00:48
multi process version of the prime number counter from
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
#max number to look up to
max_number = 10000
#four processes per cpu
num_processes = mp.cpu_count() * 1
def chunks(seq, chunks):
Megaf / gist:eb40c57179d7431f9ee74308bdfb3ade
Created September 1, 2022 20:17
Debian for Desktop first steps
# Install firmware and drivers for your CPU and wifi card.
apt install -y firmware-linux firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-linux-free firmware-iwlwifi
# Install things to compile software, use some other software and use Git.
apt install -y git cmake ccache build-essential xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-utils xdg-utils-cxx xdg-dbus-proxy xdg-desktop-portal
# Install Flatpak
apt install -y flatpak gir1.2-flatpak-1.0 libflatpak-doc libflatpak0 flatpak-xdg-utils gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
# Setup system for Flatpak
# Debian Bulsseye /etc/apt/sources.list
# Main repository. A copy of everything that is included on the DVD + Non-free software and firmware.
deb bullseye main non-free contrib
# Updates to those.
deb bullseye-updates main non-free contrib
# Security updates.
deb bullseye-security main contrib non-free
[Installation "windows-ssd"]
DisplayName=Windows SSD