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lottery1 = rand(10)
lottery2 = rand(10)
lottery3 = rand(10)
pick1 = 10
pick2 = 10
pick3 = 10
numberMatch = 0
cats = ['Chip', 'Nilla']
cats.push 'Mel the Cat'
answer = ''
puts 'Did you get any new cats this year?'
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
while answer == 'yes'
puts 'You got a new kitty!?! Name it:'
kitten = gets.chomp
words = []
puts 'I am The Sorter! Enter many words. Hit enter after each word. When you
are done entering words, hit enter on an empty line.'
input = gets.chomp
words.push input
while input != ''
input = gets.chomp do
para "Which is best?\n"
flow do
@cats = button "Cats"
@giraffes = button "Giraffes"
@rocks = button "Rocks"
end { image "" }
def hug
puts 'Wraps arms around'
def cookies
puts 'bakes cookies'
def massage
puts 'rubs back'
#A lethal dose of Aspirin is 500 mg/kg of body weight.
# 1kg = 2.2 pounds.
# 325 mg tablets.
puts 'What is your weight in pounds?'
weight_in_pounds = gets.to_f
weight_in_kilos = weight_in_pounds / 2.2
puts weight_in_kilos.to_s + 'weight in kilos'
player_score = 0
computer_score = 0
player_reroll = true
while player_score < 100 && computer_score < 100
while player_reroll == true
puts 'Type roll to roll: '
to_roll = gets.chomp
while to_roll != 'roll'
card_names = ['ace', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five',
'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten',
'jack', 'queen', 'king']
card_names = [*( { |e| "#{e} of hearts" }),
*( { |e| "#{e} of diamonds" }),
*( { |e| "#{e} of spades" }),
*( { |e| "#{e} of clubs" })]
card_values = [*(1..13)] * 4
words = ['banana', 'computer', 'rocks', 'giraffe', 'science']
answer = ''
while answer != 'no'
#init try_count to 6 == number of body parts for hangman
try_count = 6
random = rand(words.count)
game_word = words[random]
game_word = game_word.split(//)
guessed_word = ['-'] * game_word.count
computer_dice = []
player_dice = []
count = 0
die_count = 0
match_count = 0
computer_matches = []
player_matches = []
while count < 5
throw = rand(6)