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Sean Anderson MeoMix

  • San Francisco, CA
View GitHub Profile
;MouseClick("left", 420, 365, 1, 1);Smoke err day!
;MouseClick("left", 420, 440, 1, 1)
;MouseClick("left", 420, 555, 1, 1)
;MouseClick("left", 420, 650, 1, 1)
;MouseClick("left", 550, 365, 1, 1)
;MouseClick("left", 550, 440, 1, 1)
;MouseClick("left", 550, 555, 1, 1)
var updateSoundIcon = function(volume){
//Repaint the amount of white filled in the bar showing the distance the grabber has been dragged.
var backgroundImage = '-webkit-gradient(linear,left top, right top, from(#ccc), color-stop('+ volume/100 +',#ccc), color-stop('+ volume/100+',rgba(0,0,0,0)), to(rgba(0,0,0,0)))';
volumeSlider.css('background-image', backgroundImage);
var active = '#fff';
var inactive = '#555';
//Paint the various bars indicating the sound level.
var fillColor = volume >= 25 ? active : inactive;
//Randomizes the playlist and then saves it.
shuffle: function () {
var i, j, t;
for (i = 1; i < playlist.songs.length; i++) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 + i)); // choose j in [0..i]
if (j !== i) {
t = playlist.songs[i]; // swap songs[i] and songs[j]
playlist.songs[i] = playlist.songs[j];
playlist.songs[j] = t;
return levDist(a.title, text) - levDist(b.title, text);
var levDist = function(s, t) {
var d = []; //2d matrix
// Step 1
var n = s.length;
var m = t.length;
//JAVASCRIPT! The wonderful world where you can't do this:{ JSON.stringify(playlist)});
//BUT! You can do this!
var keyValuePair = {};
keyValuePair[] = JSON.stringify(playlist);
var onReady = function(){
var waitForPlaylistAndPort = setInterval(function(){
playlist = playlists.getSelectedPlaylist();
if(playlist && port){
//If there is a song to cue might as well have it ready to go.
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++){
//Wrap in a closure to preserve song index for each iteration.
//If you don't do this the contextmenu method will always have the last song.
var listItem = $('<li/>').appendTo(songList);
var song = songs[i];
var link = $('<a/>', {
function OrdersEditDisplay() {
var onDisplayLoadSuccess = function () {
$.each(arguments, function() {
$($(this).selector).off('click').on('click', 'fieldset legend', function () {
var fieldset = $(this).parent();
var isWrappedInDiv = $(fieldset.children()[0]).is('div');
if (isWrappedInDiv) {
//Responsible for showing options when interacting with a song list or play list
'use strict';
var selector = $('#ContextMenu');
//Hide the context menu whenever any click occurs not just when selecting an item.
selector.offset({top:0, left:0}).hide();
//Responsible for showing options when interacting with a song list or play list
'use strict';
var selector = $('#ContextMenu');
//Hide the context menu whenever any click occurs not just when selecting an item.
selector.offset({top:0, left:0}).hide();