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Micah Elliott MicahElliott

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--- ruby-1.8.7-p374/ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c 2010-06-21 05:18:59.000000000 -0400
+++ ruby-1.8.7-p374/ext/openssl/ 2014-02-09 19:21:24.635060547 -0500
@@ -757,8 +757,10 @@
method = EC_GFp_mont_method();
} else if (id == s_GFp_nist) {
method = EC_GFp_nist_method();
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_EC2M)
} else if (id == s_GF2m_simple) {
method = EC_GF2m_simple_method();
MicahElliott / gtasks2tiddly.sed
Created September 21, 2010 07:20
Convert GTasks semi-automatically into a weekly or monthly status report.
#! /bin/sed -f
# Convert GTasks semi-automatically into a weekly or monthly status
# report. This happens to convert into TiddlyWiki format, but it should
# be no harder to do markdown, moin, or mediawiki. This script is more
# about the idea, and some fun showing off how to invoke ‘sed’ from
# shebang, and using ‘xsel’. Tweak as you see fit!
# Why bother? Can’t be sure how long your completed tasks will be
# available, so it’s nice to keep a record of your own. Maybe your boss
MicahElliott / c-indent
Created November 28, 2010 07:05
A personal indentation config for C files, using ‘indent’.
#! /bin/bash
# A personal indentation config for C files, using ‘indent’.
# Every project should agree on and share one of these!
# Install ‘indent’: apt-get install indent
# See ‘indent(1)’ for the other 100 options to consider.
# Backups are funny. Using an explicit file here, since most careful
MicahElliott / find-bigdirs
Created November 29, 2010 04:16
Utilities for finding large or unwanted files/dirs.
#! /bin/bash
# Find big dirs, minimally deep.
# Running in near-silent mode in case want to pipe output.
# Author: Micah Elliott <mde MicahElliott com>
#dt=$(date "+%Y%m%d")
MicahElliott /
Last active September 24, 2015 08:27
Show concise system info on any architectrue/distro

Installing to Arch Linux

Installation (packaging) is the main point of this tiny package. I wanted to use a tiny project to serve as an example of how to install directly from github (a gist!) to Arch Linux. Normally a package would go through an approval process to be put into AUR, but until your package is mature enough for that this is a clean and simple way to go.

User flow

MicahElliott /
Created November 29, 2010 08:35
Use gmaps to parse and calculate distance between two points.
#! /usr/bin/env python
""" Use gmaps to parse and calculate distance between two points.
__author__ = 'Micah Elliott'
__version__ = '0.1'
### -------------------------------------------------------------------
MicahElliott /
Created November 29, 2010 07:38
Lay out a linearly paged book for bound printing.
#! /usr/bin/env python
""" Lay out a linearly paged book for bound printing.
Described in this post:
Additions to post:
* Firefox does not support the layout, so need to generate PDF.
* Dad laughs at my process.
MicahElliott / balance-dark.png
Created November 29, 2010 17:55
Zsh spanning bar prompt with “balanced” sides.
MicahElliott / adobe.vim
Created November 29, 2010 18:48
Vim “Adobe” colorscheme
" Vim “Adobe” colorscheme
" Maintainer: Micah Elliott <mde AT MicahElliott DOT com>
" Version: 0.3
" Info: Adobe theme, easy on eyes.
" Philosophy: See my blog article:
MicahElliott /
Created November 29, 2010 19:22
Download and Convert youtube "favorite" videos to MP3.
#! /usr/bin/env python
""" youtube2mp3 - Download and Convert youtube "favorite" videos to MP3.
Determine "favorited" vids, download them as FLVs, extract/ save its
MP3, meanwhile fixing up file names.
Assumes most (or all) of the things you "favorite" on Youtube are some
sort of musical recording. I've found a lot of old jazz tunes on Youtube
that I can't otherwise find recordings for. Down side is that the