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MichaelKling / Yubioath NFC Test
Created October 28, 2015 21:23
Checking Yubikey with Yubioath App using Nordpol Library (See: )
10-28 22:07:33.988 26495-26495/? I/NfcService: When receiving ACTION_SCREEN_ON, S view cover is already opened. So screenState is ON_LOCKED by isKeyguardLocked()
10-28 22:07:33.988 26495-26889/? D/NfcService: call the applyRotuiing
10-28 22:07:34.088 26495-26543/? E/NxpNfcJni: getReconnectState = 0x0
10-28 22:07:34.088 26495-26889/? E/NxpNfcJni: nfcManager_enableDiscovery:UICC_LISTEN_MASK=0x0199;
10-28 22:07:34.088 26495-26543/? E/NfcNfa: UICC/ESE[0x402] is not activated
10-28 22:07:34.108 26495-26889/? D/NfcService: index : 0
10-28 22:07:34.108 26495-26889/? D/NfcService: index : 1
10-28 22:07:38.688 26495-26895/? D/NfcService: call the applyRotuiing
10-28 22:07:38.698 26495-26543/? E/NxpNfcJni: getReconnectState = 0x0
10-28 22:07:38.728 26495-26543/? E/NxpNfcJni: getReconnectState = 0x0
MichaelKling / Yubioath NFC Test Full
Created October 28, 2015 21:25
Checking Yubikey with Yubioath App using Nordpol Library (See: )
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
tateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.devuni.flashlight
10-28 22:22:11.478 6247-7241/? I/zomut.watchdog.monitor: endgather
10-28 22:22:11.478 6247-6247/? I/zomut.watchdog.monitor: init
10-28 22:22:11.498 6247-6247/? D/ResourcesManager: creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/
10-28 22:22:11.528 2768-2976/? V/AlarmManager: waitForAlarm result :8
10-28 22:22:11.548 6247-6247/? I/zomut.watchdog.monitor: end
10-28 22:22:11.728 3045-3045/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews connected={ wifi } level=4 combinedSignalIconId=0x7f020495/ mobileLabel=o2 - de wifiLabel="o2-WLAN24x"xxxxXXXXxxxxXXXX emergencyOnly=false combinedLabel="o2-WLAN24x"xxxxXXXXxxxxXXXX mAirplaneMode=false mDataActivity=0 mPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f020440/ mQSPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f020115/ mDataDirectionIconId=0x0/(null) mDataSignalIconId=0x7f020440/
11-04 21:28:45.957 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: mNumTechList =0, mTechListIndex=0
11-04 21:28:46.007 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag; mNumDiscNtf=1
11-04 21:28:46.007 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag: Selecting next tag
11-04 21:28:46.007 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: getReconnectState = 0x0
11-04 21:28:46.007 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: NfcTag::selectNextTag: stat=0; wait for activated ntf
11-04 21:28:46.017 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: mNumTechList =2, mTechListIndex=2
11-04 21:28:46.017 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: Mifare Classic detected
11-04 21:28:46.017 22001-22026/? E/NxpNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag; mNumDiscNtf=0
11-04 21:28:46.047 22001-22001/? D/NativeNfcTag: Connect to a tech with a different handle
11-04 21:28:46.047 22001-22001/? E/NxpNfcJni: setReconnectState = 0x0
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11-04 21:30:56.587 2782-2782/? E/JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
11-04 21:30:56.587 2782-2782/? E/AccessibilityManagerService: Error during sending EventType: TYPE_NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED; EventTime: 44250360; PackageName: com.devuni.flashlight; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName:; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: false; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: Notification(pri=-1 contentView=com.devuni.flashlight/0x7f030001 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x162 color=0x00000000 originalPackageName=N originalUserId=0 vis=PUBLIC) ]; recordCount: 0 to android.accessibilityservice.IAccessibilityServiceClient$Stub$Proxy@176ca49c
11-04 21:30:56.587 2782-2782/? E/AccessibilityManagerService: andr
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flags 3
11-04 21:33:49.827 2430-3005/? V/AudioPolicyManager: getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002
11-04 21:33:49.827 2430-3005/? V/AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() returns output 2
11-04 21:33:49.827 2430-3004/? V/AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() usage=5, content=4, tag=���� flags=00000000
11-04 21:33:49.827 2430-3004/? V/AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 4
11-04 21:33:49.837 2430-3004/? V/AudioPolicyManager: getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002
11-04 21:33:49.837 2430-3004/? V/AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 4, 0001
11-04 21:33:49.837 2430-3004/? V/AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() returns output 4
11-04 21:33:49.837 20255-20255/? W/AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
11-04 21:33:49.837 2430-2430/? V/AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output 4, stream 5, session 2319
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
38:26.157 2437-23371/? E/cac3: [cac3_buffer_latency] memset for mem size 7991296 bytes: 5 ms
11-04 21:38:26.157 9184-9202/? I/vfmjni: javaCallback.cpp 292
11-04 21:38:26.157 9184-9202/? I/ValidityLIB: EventWorkerThread.cpp 140 4
11-04 21:38:26.157 9184-9202/? I/ValidityLIB: EventWorkerThread.cpp 144 4
11-04 21:38:26.167 2437-23371/? E/cac3: [cac3_buffer_latency] Allocated 0xaf6eb000, mem size 8417280 bytes from ION Heap ID 20: 6 ms
11-04 21:38:26.167 2430-2659/? E/qomx_image_core: OMX_Init:84] Complete 1
11-04 21:38:26.177 2437-23371/? E/cac3: [cac3_buffer_latency] memset for mem size 8417280 bytes: 5 ms
11-04 21:38:26.177 2437-23371/? E/cac3: [cac3_buffer_latency] Allocated 0xaf31b000, mem size 3997696 bytes from ION Heap ID 20: 3 ms
11-04 21:38:26.177 2437-23371/? E/cac3: [cac3_buffer_latency] memset for mem size 3997696 bytes: 2 ms
11-04 21:38:26.187 2430-2659/? I/Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camera with handle:1
11-04 21:38:44.917 250-250/? I/SurfaceFlinger: id=2093 createSurf (193x193),1 flag=4, org.sufficientlysecure.keychain/org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.ui.NfcOperationActivity
11-04 21:38:45.187 2782-2913/? I/ActivityManager: Displayed org.sufficientlysecure.keychain/.ui.NfcOperationActivity: +579ms
11-04 21:38:45.387 2782-2913/? I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3782d24e u0 org.sufficientlysecure.keychain/.ui.NfcOperationActivity t12856} time:44719371
11-04 21:38:47.627 23457-23488/? E/NxpNfcJni: mNumTechList =0, mTechListIndex=0
11-04 21:38:47.637 23457-23488/? E/NxpNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag; mNumDiscNtf=1
11-04 21:38:47.637 23457-23488/? E/NxpNfcJni: NfcTag::createNativeNfcTag: Selecting next tag
11-04 21:38:47.637 23457-23488/? E/NxpNfcJni: getReconnectState = 0x0
11-04 21:38:47.637 23457-23488/? E/NxpNfcJni: NfcTag::selectNextTag: stat=0; wait for activated ntf
11-04 21:38:47.647 23457-23488/? E/NxpNfcJni: mNumTechList =2, mTechListIndex=2
11-04 21:38:47.647 23457-2