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Create the environment

mongod --dbpath [ Path of the folder where I want my DB ]

Launch the shell

Usefull informations


An Image is a snapshot of one or multiple Containers


It can be a name, the container full id or just a the begining string from container id long enough to be different from other containers on the machine

MikyStar / React-Native.code-snippets
Created November 8, 2018 10:14
Customs React-Natives snippets
"prefix": "RN-ClassComponent",
"import React, { Component } from 'react';",
"class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE} extends Component",
// Defining the structure of a JSON
* @typedef TestType
* @property { string } fonctional
* @property { number } unitaire
* @property { 'left' | 'right' | 'nowhere' } direction - Makes autosuggestion on direction
Then we just have to import the file where this JSDoc is to get access to its JSDoc
MikyStar /
Last active January 7, 2020 22:26
VIM CheatSheet

VIM CheatScheet

Default bindings


Ctrl+W -> Enter window mode Ctrl+W, HJKL -> Browse splits Ctrl+W, R -> Rotate up/left Ctrl+W, r -> Rotate down/right