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from Population import Population
from Individual import Individual
from random import random, randint
class Algorithm():
Uniform_rate = 0.5
Mutation_rate = 0.015
Tournament_size = 5
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Flask-Login example
This is a small application that provides a trivial demonstration of
Flask-Login, including remember me functionality.
:copyright: (C) 2011 by Matthew Frazier.
:license: MIT/X11, see LICENSE for more details.
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MojoJolo /
Created September 7, 2018 05:59 — forked from goweiting/
Installing graph-tool with other packages staying in an virtual env (conda)

There is no guarantee that this will work, i wrote this so in case anyone else have the same goal in mind. Using: Ubuntu 16.04; miniconda2

What i want to achieve:

  1. use graph-tool
  2. all other packages should fall in a virtual environment

Failed attempts:

  1. I attempted to build graph-tool from scratch but did not work, and couldnt seem to pull everything together.
  2. Attempt to use all the graph-tool packages on anaconda cloud... (idgi)
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