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Moshe MosheBerman

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MosheBerman / How Not To Style UISearchBar
Created August 5, 2014 16:31
What I tried before using a solid image.
- (void)searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller
[self colorAllTheViews:self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.superview];
- (void)searchDisplayControllerDidBeginSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller
[self fungeBackdrop];
MosheBerman /
Created November 4, 2013 22:42
The output is: [a, b, c] [a, b, c, c] Why is the output left to right? Is the insertElementAt 1-based instead of zero based?
* This class extends the Stack
* so that there's a pushdown(i)
* method which copies the elements
* at index 0 and inserts it and index i.
* All items beneath index i are pushed down.
import java.util.Stack;
* This class extends the Stack
* so that there's a pushdown(i)
* method which copies the elements
* at index 0 and inserts it and index i.
* All items beneath index i are pushed down.
import java.util.Stack;
MosheBerman / snippet.m
Created October 30, 2013 17:36
iOS 6 margins on iOS 7
- (void)applyLegacyBoundries
/* In iOS 7, UIKit will automatically
* put content beneath navigation bars.
* It also tries to pad scroll views
* and table views to make them
* scroll nicely beneath them.
* These two checks will fix them.
MosheBerman /
Last active December 18, 2015 10:09
There's a syntax error on line 30, but I have no clue what the error is. Help?
import os
import keyword
import sys
class Toodles:
def walkAndList(directory):
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
MosheBerman / test.m
Last active December 17, 2015 20:29
A demo of the arrayDictionaryArray category pair.
// Code:
#import "ArrayDictionaryArray.h"
- (void)sampleConversion
NSArray *array = @[@"Hello", @"I", @"Am", @"Deep", @"Blue"];
NSDictionary *dictionary = [array dictionary];
main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Wire up the timer
long time = elapsedTime(0);
/* Generate a random number between MINFORKS and MAXFORKS
unsigned int seed = generateSeed(0);
int n = rand_r(&seed) % MAXFORKS + MINFORKS;
* Loop through the processes and wait for them
* to terminate. Then print the childid, and the
* the pid.
int status = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
MosheBerman / gist:5646116
Created May 24, 2013 19:59
Why is my second loop logging in order?
main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Wire up the timer
long time = elapsedTime(0);
/* Generate a random number between MINFORKS and MAXFORKS
unsigned int seed = generateSeed(0);