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o.......Open files, directories and bookmarks....................|NERDTree-o|
go......Open selected file, but leave cursor in the NERDTree.....|NERDTree-go|
t.......Open selected node/bookmark in a new tab.................|NERDTree-t|
T.......Same as 't' but keep the focus on the current tab........|NERDTree-T|
i.......Open selected file in a split window.....................|NERDTree-i|
gi......Same as i, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gi|
s.......Open selected file in a new vsplit.......................|NERDTree-s|
gs......Same as s, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gs|
O.......Recursively open the selected directory..................|NERDTree-O|
x.......Close the current nodes parent...........................|NERDTree-x|
brandonb927 /
Last active October 16, 2024 08:41
OSX for Hackers: Yosemite/El Capitan Edition. This script tries not to be *too* opinionated and any major changes to your system require a prompt. You've been warned.
# SOME COMMANDS WILL NOT WORK ON macOS (Sierra or newer)
# For Sierra or newer, see
# Alot of these configs have been taken from the various places
# on the web, most from here
hfreire /
Last active March 24, 2024 14:35
How to emulate a Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Jessie) on Mac OSX (El Capitan)
# Install QEMU OSX port with ARM support
sudo port install qemu +target_arm
export QEMU=$(which qemu-system-arm)
# Dowload kernel and export location
curl -OL \
export RPI_KERNEL=./kernel-qemu-4.1.7-jessie
# Download filesystem and export location

This document has moved!

It's now here, in The Programmer's Compendium. The content is the same as before, but being part of the compendium means that it's actively maintained.

Struggling with the for-in loop and the differences between the terminology of -variable, property, key, and value,
in relation to Objects and this type of loop. It really wasnt covered very well in Objects
or accumulator patterns Lectures for my novice brain.
#1 Write a function named invert that takes an object and returns an object
where the keys and values have been inverted