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MrJadaml / ksp.log
Created November 12, 2018 20:20
Lots of FMRS errors.
[LOG 12:09:57.420] ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (OSXPlayer) en-us *******
Kerbal Space Program - (OSXPlayer) en-us
OS: Mac OS X 10.12.6
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6287U CPU @ 3.10GHz (4)
RAM: 16384
GPU: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 (1536MB)
SM: 46 (OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-10.25.19)
RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGB64, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGInt, RInt, RGB111110Float, RG32, RGBAUShort, RG16
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
state : Not replacing, url state already up to date
batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:446 ui : BacklogView.draw
(anonymous) @ VM3488:1
XMLHttpRequest.send @ batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&agile_global_admin_condition=true&devsummary=true&globalSidebarEnabled=true&jag=true&jaguser=true&jira-nps-enabled=true&locale=en-US&nps-not-opted-out=true:11687
send @ batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:213
ajax @ batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:207
h @ batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&agile_global_admin_condition=true&devsummary=true&globalSidebarEnabled=true&jag=true&jaguser=true&jira-nps-enabled=true&locale=en-US&nps-not-opted-out=true:11690
batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:446 RPC: request rejected (bad origin):
3batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=en-US:446 RPC: request rejected (bad origin):
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import back from '../../public/assets/img/back-icon.svg';
import next from '../../public/assets/img/next-icon.svg';
const CarouselNav = ({ headerText, subtitle }) => {
return (
<Arrow src={back} align={'left'} />
MrJadaml / carousel-index.js
Last active May 14, 2017 18:50
A JavaScript method that will keep looping around an array, forward -- positive, or backward -- negative, when provided a valid or "out of bounds" index value.
MrJadaml /
Last active May 14, 2017 20:34
Boot a headless Raspberry Pi w/out router access and find it on the network.

Headless - No Router Access - Pi Booter

If you are trying to boot a headless setup of Raspbian and don't have access to the router the following may be what you are looking for.

  • Download the latest Raspbian Lite
  • Use an OS image flasher like Etcher to flash your Raspbian dmg file onto a microSD card.
  • Once the microSD card has been flashed you will want to do some configuration
    • From the terminal $ cd /Volumns/boot
    • Create an ssh file $ touch ssh
  • Create a file for preloading your network settings $ touch wpa_supplicant.conf
MrJadaml /
Created April 29, 2017 06:47
MQTT Cluster - shower thoughs

multiple layers. No layer is a unique solution, just an algamation of existing solutions.


Scaleability + Remote

  • lots of individual sensors/hardware connecting to singular services
    • hard to scale/manage at any moderate size
    • creates lots of different interfaces to have to deal with
    • may connect up to some central brand service: AWS, Nest, Apple, Google etc.
  • but not universal across all your sensors:
MrJadaml /
Last active April 28, 2017 22:24 hackathon ideas.


  • humidy sensor that turns on fan when you shower
  • motion sensor that triggers different services based on time of day
    • Morning:
      • shows weather icons/data while you get ready.
      • turns on morning soundtrack.
      • sends out signal to other "morning" services to start up.
    • Night:
  • turns on sense_hat LEDs to red to light up bathroom without blowing out your eyes.

Arduino code for photocell sensor.

#define CDS_INPUT 0 

void setup() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ___ ___ ___
// / /\ ___ / /\ /__/\
// / /::\ / /\ / /:/_ | |::\
// / /:/\:\ / /:/ / /:/ /\ | |:|:\
// / /:/~/:/ / /:/ / /:/ /:/ __|__|:|\:\
// /__/:/ /:/___ / /::\ /__/:/ /:/ /__/::::| \:\
// \ \:\/:::::/ /__/:/\:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\~~\__\/