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John Nicholas MrTortoise

  • Manchester UK
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MrTortoise /
Created October 24, 2016 21:42 — forked from Chaser324/
GitHub Standard Fork & Pull Request Workflow

Whether you're trying to give back to the open source community or collaborating on your own projects, knowing how to properly fork and generate pull requests is essential. Unfortunately, when I started going through the process of forking and issuing pull requests, I had some trouble figuring out the proper method for doing so and made quite a few mistakes along the way. I found a lot of the information on GitHub and around the internet to be rather piecemeal and incomplete - part of the process described here, another there, common hangups in a different place, and so on.

In an attempt to coallate this information for myself and others, this short tutorial is what I've found to be fairly standard procedure for creating a fork, doing your work, issuing a pull request, and merging that pull request back into the original project.

Creating a Fork

Just head over to the GitHub page and click the "Fork" button. It's just that simple. Once you've done that, you can use your favorite git client to clone your

MrTortoise /
Last active June 15, 2017 23:03 — forked from ivan-loh/
Watchman installation for Ubuntu 16.04
# checkout, compile & install
git clone
cd watchman/
git checkout v4.7.0
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake build-essential python-dev libtool
sudo make install
MrTortoise /
Last active June 9, 2017 10:55
install postegres on ubuntu 17.04
# from
sudo "deb zesty-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4 postgresql-client-9.4 postgresql-contrib-9.4 pgadmin3 postgresql-doc-9.4
# setup postgres
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
\password postgres
MrTortoise /
Created June 28, 2017 08:36
installing neo4j
MrTortoise / evenstore start args
Created July 28, 2017 10:25
event store startup args
eventstored --ext-ip --ext-http-port 2113
MrTortoise /
Created September 29, 2017 09:56

postgress: 5432 eventstore: 2113, 1113 ssh 443 git 9418 sockets 12000-12010

MrTortoise / kubernetes missing proxy
Created October 12, 2017 09:44
explaining why kubernetes misses proxy out of the localhost assets
you need #! on the end of your url
sudo mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -F -E lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0,discard /dev/sdb
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/disks/eventstore
sudo mount -o discard,defaults /dev/sdb /mnt/disks/eventstore
sudo chmod a+w /mnt/disks/eventstore
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup
echo UUID=`sudo blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/sdb` /mnt/disks/eventstore ext4 discard,defaults,nofail 0 2 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
mv download.deb eventstore-oss_4.0.3_amd64.deb
MrTortoise / dxdiag
Created December 24, 2018 10:27
System Information
Time of this report: 12/24/2018, 10:22:50
Machine name: DESKTOP-GRULIP0
Machine Id: {CEBCD622-F5EF-45F4-BF36-5974664C15C2}
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 17763) (17763.rs5_release.180914-1434)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name
MrTortoise / test.test.ts
Created August 2, 2023 11:10
tennis started
// tennis scoring a game
// love, 15, 30, 40 -> game
// unless both 40 its deuce
// player1: adv -> game (if p1 scores)
// adv -> deuce (if p2 scores)
// enter a score
type Command = 'start game'| 'player1' | 'player2'