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ggpipe <- function(data,...){
len <- ...length()
p <- ggplot(data)
if(len > 0) for(i in 1:len){
p <- p + ...elt(i)
palmerpenguins::penguins |>
na <- function (x)
x <- if (missing(x)) {
prev_call <- - 2)
if (identical(prev_call[[1]], quote(if_else)) |
identical(prev_call[[1]], quote(dplyr::if_else))) {
prev_env <- sys.frame(sys.nframe() - 1)
else logical(1)
MyKo101 / filter_chatter
Created March 26, 2021 00:42
Overloads the `filter()` function with a chattier version
#Overloads the dplyr::filter() function with a chattier version
# provides two nouns for use in the glue-able text,
# .pre is the data before the filtering
# .post is the data after the filtering
filter <- function(.data,...,.chat=NULL){
this_call <-
new_call <- this_call
new_call[[1]] <- call("::",quote(`dplyr`),quote(`filter`))
MyKo101 / r_mutate.r
Created March 30, 2021 14:15
r_mutate() to supply random names to your variables instead of mutate()
r_mutate <- function(.data,...,.nchars=3){
nms <- names(.data)
.call <-
.call[[1]] <- call("::",quote(dplyr),quote(mutate))
if(".nchars" %in% names(.call)) .call[[".nchars"]] <- NULL
unnamed <- which(names(.call[-1]) == "")
n_vars <- length(unnamed)
MyKo101 / attribute_lock
Created April 18, 2021 19:53
locks attributes for combination
attribute_lock <- function(x){
} else {
ocl <- attr(x,"class")
ncl <- if(!is.null(ocl)) c("attribute_lock",ocl) else "attribute_lock"
MyKo101 / less_chain
Created April 18, 2021 20:27
Allow less thans in a chain
less_chain <- function(.a,a,b,equal=FALSE){
if(length(a) != length(b) && (length(a) != 1 && length(b) != 1))
stop("Incompatible lengths",call.=FALSE)
if( &&
(identical(.a[[1]],quote(`%<%`)) || identical(.a[[1]],quote(`%<=%`)))){
mid <- eval(.a[[3]])
rhs <- if(equal) mid <= b else mid < b
a & rhs
} else if(is.numeric(a) && is.numeric(b)){
if(equal) a <= b else a < b
MyKo101 / mutate.listframe
Last active April 19, 2021 09:47
Application of the mutate method to a listframe
listframe <- function(...){
class = c("listframe","tbl_df","tbl","data.frame")
lf <- listframe(
a = list(1,c("a","b","c"),matrix(1:4,2,2)),
#' Create a delayed evaluation of a call
#' Works similarly to `delayAssign()`, except it works as part of an assignment.
#' Can only be called from within a function and must be directly part of a left-assignment
#' This can be used to pass things like R CMD Check for delayed variables, rather than
#' using `delayedAssign("x",call)` is the equivalent of `x <- delayed_variable(call)`
delayed_variable <- function(call){
MyKo101 / on.exit.env.R
Created July 6, 2021 11:04
Apply on.exit() to any environment, useful for parent frames
#' Apply on.exit() anywhere
#' Apply the on.exit() functionality to any environment
#' Very useful for creating and closing temporary connections (see examples)
#' @examples
#' local_sink <- function(file){
#' sink(file)
#' on.exit.env(sink(),env=parent.frame())
MyKo101 / load_environment.R
Last active September 2, 2021 20:42
Load Folder as Environment
temp_env <- new.env() #Create a new environment
if("LoadedEnv" %in% search()) detach("LoadedEnv") #If this has previously been run, remove it!
ff <- list.files("functions",full.names=TRUE) #Load up the files in the functions folder
silencer <- lapply(ff,source,local=temp_env) #source them all into the temporary environment
attach(temp_env,name="LoadedEnv") #Add the environment to the search path
rm(temp_env,ff,silencer) #Clean up