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Do you have one or more apps that are stagnant in the App Store? Would you like to revive your sales? Here's how...
I offer what I call my iPhone App Marketing Makeover service. Here are the deliverables of my service:
I'll rewrite your entire App product page description using the copy techniques I suggested on the home page. Seeking out your App's features, and determining how they benefit the iPhone owner. I'll find a way to put the reader in the mindset of using your App before they even purchase, which will significantly increase the chance that they WILL buy. This is the Description that appears in the iTunes App Store.
I'll craft your press release so that the website editor or blogger that receives it will feel as if you've done the hard part for them... increasing your chances that they will publish an article or review about your App. I'll also provide you a copy of the press release with instructions so that you can send it to other sites or blogs that may be specific to your App's niche.
class Robot
def self.rock!
system(%(osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to play track named "Robot Rock"'))