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Naveen-spritle / BLEAdapterStateListerner.js
Created May 27, 2023 03:22
I defined Custom Hook for Bluetooth adapted state because of we can only perform all Bluetooth operations, If Bluetooth adapter is "PoweredOn". So before perform the operation we should check the adapter state. That's why I defined the custom hook. whenever we needed we use it.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { BleManager } from "react-native-ble-plx";
const _BleManager = new BleManager();
const useBluetoothListener = () => {
const [isBluetoothOn, setIsBluetoothOn] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const bleSubscription = _BleManager.onStateChange((state) => {
Naveen-spritle / ScanBleDevices.js
Last active June 22, 2023 11:35
startDeviceScan() Method to scan the available BLE devices and setTimeout() function to stop the scanning after 2seconds by using stopDeviceScan() Method.
function scanAvailableBleDevice() {
let devicesObj = {};
// _BleManager is the BleManager instance, We already import and initialize the instance in _BleManager variable
// If you need any clarification please check the "Usage" section, we already discussed above in this blog.
{ allowDuplicates: false },
Naveen-spritle / Bluetooth Permissions
Last active June 22, 2023 11:27
Checking the Android version to perform the appropriate permissions for appropriate Android version by using "expo-device" library
const [accessPermission, setAccessPermission] = useState(false);
const [askAgain, setAskAgain] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
if (Number(Device.osVersion) >= 12) { // Device is import from "expo-device" library for check the device OS version
const result = PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiple([
Naveen-spritle / Custom_hook_usage
Last active June 22, 2023 11:23
Perform the Scan BLE device Operation if Bluetooth adapter state is ON and Granted the required Permissions
const isBluetoothOn = useBluetoothListener(); // We made above the code snippet, Whenever needed import and use it.
useEffect(() => {
// Perform the Scan BLE device Operation if Bluetooth adapter state is ON and Granted the required Permissions
isBluetoothOn && accessPermission && scanAvailableBleDevice();
}, [isBluetoothOn, accessPermission]);
Naveen-spritle / Connect_and_get_value
Last active June 22, 2023 11:17
Connecting the BLE weighing device by using device ID and get the displaying weight value of weighing device
const [connectedDevice, setConnectedDevice] = useState(null);
const [connectedDeviceServices, setConnectedDeviceServices] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
let moniterCharacteristic;
let unSubscribeListener;
if (connectedDevice && connectedDeviceServices) {
// Device disconnect listener