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Last active September 8, 2015 04:06
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  • Save Neon22/06fc2ff7626943c97dff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Neon22/06fc2ff7626943c97dff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updated to work with non-closed loops
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<_name>Paths to OpenSCAD</_name>
<dependency type="extension">org.inkscape.output.svg.inkscape</dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<param name="tab" type="notebook">
<page name="splash" _gui-text="Paths to OpenSCAD">
<_param name="header" type="description" xml:space="preserve">The Height parameter specifies how high
in millimeters to extrude the polygons.
The Smoothing parameter describes how
smoothly to render curves. Use
smaller values for smoother curves.
The Line width parameter sets width only
when the line is not a closed loop.
Force line output will save closed
shapes as a continuous line instead
of a polygon.
<param name="fname" type="string" _gui-text="Output file">~/inkscape.scad</param>
<param name="height" type="float" min="0" max="1000" precision="2" _gui-text="Height (mm)">5.0</param>
<param name="smoothness" type="float" min="0.0001" max="5" _gui-text="Smoothing">0.2</param>
<param name="line_width" type="float" min="0.1" max="10" _gui-text="Line width">1.0</param>
<param name="force_line" type="boolean" _gui-text="Force line output">False</param>
<page name="info" _gui-text="About...">
<_param name="aboutpage" type="description" xml:space="preserve">
This extension converts Inkscape paths to
extruded polygons in OpenSCAD. Before
using, first convert objects to paths
with the "Path &gt; Object to Path"
menu item.
Note that the paths must be polygonal.
Non-polygonal paths will not render well
in OpenSCAD. Thus, while you can convert
text to a path correctly, other shapes may
need to be combined before export
(e.g. "o" style shapes with holes).
Inkscape's units of pixels are converted
to millimeters using the SVG Standard's
definition of 90 pixels = 1 inch.
Dan Newman (dan newman @ mtbaldy us)
<effect needs-live-preview="false">
<submenu _name="Generate from Path"/>
<command reldir="extensions" interpreter="python"></command>
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is an Inkscape extension to output paths to extruded OpenSCAD polygons
# The Inkscape objects must first be converted to paths (Path > Object to Path).
# Some paths may not work well -- the paths have to be polygons. As such,
# paths derived from text may meet with mixed results.
# Written by Daniel C. Newman ( dan dot newman at mtbaldy dot us )
# 10 June 2012
# 15 June 2012
# Updated by Dan Newman to handle a single level of polygon nesting.
# This is sufficient to handle most fonts.
# If you want to nest two polygons, combine them into a single path
# within Inkscape with "Path > Combine Path".
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import math
import os.path
import inkex
import simplepath
import simplestyle
import simpletransform
import cubicsuperpath
import cspsubdiv
import bezmisc
import re
def parseLengthWithUnits( str ):
Parse an SVG value which may or may not have units attached
This version is greatly simplified in that it only allows: no units,
units of px, and units of %. Everything else, it returns None for.
There is a more general routine to consider in if more
generality is ever needed.
u = 'px'
s = str.strip()
if s[-2:] == 'px':
s = s[:-2]
elif s[-1:] == '%':
u = '%'
s = s[:-1]
v = float( s )
return None, None
return v, u
def pointInBBox( pt, bbox ):
Determine if the point pt=[x, y] lies on or within the bounding
box bbox=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax].
# if ( x < xmin ) or ( x > xmax ) or ( y < ymin ) or ( y > ymax )
if ( pt[0] < bbox[0] ) or ( pt[0] > bbox[1] ) or \
( pt[1] < bbox[2] ) or ( pt[1] > bbox[3] ):
return False
return True
def bboxInBBox( bbox1, bbox2 ):
Determine if the bounding box bbox1 lies on or within the
bounding box bbox2. NOTE: we do not test for strict enclosure.
Structure of the bounding boxes is
bbox1 = [ xmin1, xmax1, ymin1, ymax1 ]
bbox2 = [ xmin2, xmax2, ymin2, ymax2 ]
# if ( xmin1 < xmin2 ) or ( xmax1 > xmax2 ) or ( ymin1 < ymin2 ) or ( ymax1 > ymax2 )
if ( bbox1[0] < bbox2[0] ) or ( bbox1[1] > bbox2[1] ) or \
( bbox1[2] < bbox2[2] ) or ( bbox1[3] > bbox2[3] ):
return False
return True
def pointInPoly( p, poly, bbox=None ):
Use a ray casting algorithm to see if the point p = [x, y] lies within
the polygon poly = [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],...]. Returns True if the point
is within poly, lies on an edge of poly, or is a vertex of poly.
if ( p is None ) or ( poly is None ):
return False
# Check to see if the point lies outside the polygon's bounding box
if not bbox is None:
if not pointInBBox( p, bbox ):
return False
# Check to see if the point is a vertex
if p in poly:
return True
# Handle a boundary case associated with the point
# lying on a horizontal edge of the polygon
x = p[0]
y = p[1]
p1 = poly[0]
p2 = poly[1]
for i in range( len( poly ) ):
if i != 0:
p1 = poly[i-1]
p2 = poly[i]
if ( y == p1[1] ) and ( p1[1] == p2[1] ) and \
( x > min( p1[0], p2[0] ) ) and ( x < max( p1[0], p2[0] ) ):
return True
n = len( poly )
inside = False
p1_x,p1_y = poly[0]
for i in range( n + 1 ):
p2_x,p2_y = poly[i % n]
if y > min( p1_y, p2_y ):
if y <= max( p1_y, p2_y ):
if x <= max( p1_x, p2_x ):
if p1_y != p2_y:
intersect = p1_x + (y - p1_y) * (p2_x - p1_x) / (p2_y - p1_y)
if x <= intersect:
inside = not inside
inside = not inside
p1_x,p1_y = p2_x,p2_y
return inside
def polyInPoly( poly1, bbox1, poly2, bbox2 ):
Determine if polygon poly2 = [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],...]
contains polygon poly1.
The bounding box information, bbox=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
is optional. When supplied it can be used to perform rejections.
Note that one bounding box containing another is not sufficient
to imply that one polygon contains another. It's necessary, but
not sufficient.
# See if poly1's bboundin box is NOT contained by poly2's bounding box
# if it isn't, then poly1 cannot be contained by poly2.
if ( not bbox1 is None ) and ( not bbox2 is None ):
if not bboxInBBox( bbox1, bbox2 ):
return False
# To see if poly1 is contained by poly2, we need to ensure that each
# vertex of poly1 lies on or within poly2
for p in poly1:
if not pointInPoly( p, poly2, bbox2 ):
return False
# Looks like poly1 is contained on or in Poly2
return True
def subdivideCubicPath( sp, flat, i=1 ):
[ Lifted from with impunity ]
Break up a bezier curve into smaller curves, each of which
is approximately a straight line within a given tolerance
(the "smoothness" defined by [flat]).
This is a modified version of cspsubdiv.cspsubdiv(): rewritten
because recursion-depth errors on complicated line segments
could occur with cspsubdiv.cspsubdiv().
while True:
while True:
if i >= len( sp ):
p0 = sp[i - 1][1]
p1 = sp[i - 1][2]
p2 = sp[i][0]
p3 = sp[i][1]
b = ( p0, p1, p2, p3 )
if cspsubdiv.maxdist( b ) > flat:
i += 1
one, two = bezmisc.beziersplitatt( b, 0.5 )
sp[i - 1][2] = one[1]
sp[i][0] = two[2]
p = [one[2], one[3], two[1]]
sp[i:1] = [p]
def closed_p(path):
""" path[0] is the path to check """
result = False
thepath = path[0]
if type(thepath[0][0]) == type([1,2]):
result = True
if (thepath[0][0] == thepath[-1][0]) and (thepath[0][1] == thepath[-1][1]):
result = True
return result
def msg_linear_extrude(id, prefix):
msg = ' linear_extrude(height=h)\n' + \
' polygon(%s_%d_points);\n' % (id,prefix)
return msg
def msg_linear_extrude_by_paths(id, prefix):
msg = ' linear_extrude(height=h)\n' + \
' polygon(%s_%d_points, %s_%d_paths);\n' % (id, prefix, id, prefix)
return msg
def msg_extrude_by_hull(id, prefix):
msg = ' for (t = [0: len(%s_%d_points)-2]) {\n' %(id,prefix) + \
' hull() {\n' + \
' translate(%s_%d_points[t]) \n' %(id,prefix) + \
' cylinder(h=h, r=w/2, $fn=res);\n' + \
' translate(%s_%d_points[t + 1]) \n' %(id,prefix) + \
' cylinder(h=h, r=w/2, $fn=res);\n' + \
' }\n' + \
' }\n'
return msg
class OpenSCAD( inkex.Effect ):
def __init__( self ):
inkex.Effect.__init__( self )
self.OptionParser.add_option( "--tab", #NOTE: value is not used.
action="store", type="string",
dest="tab", default="splash",
help="The active tab when Apply was pressed" )
self.OptionParser.add_option("-s",'--smoothness', dest='smoothness',
type='float', default=float( 0.2 ), action='store',
help='Curve smoothing (less for more)' )
self.OptionParser.add_option("-x",'--height', dest='height',
type='string', default='5', action='store',
help='Height (mm)' )
self.OptionParser.add_option("-w",'--line_width', dest='line_width',
type='float', default=float( 1 ), action='store',
help='Line width for non closed curves (mm)' )
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="force_line", default=False,
help="Force line output")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-f",'--fname', dest='fname',
type='string', default='~/inkscape.scad',
help='Curve smoothing (less for more)' ) = float( DEFAULT_WIDTH ) / 2.0 = float( DEFAULT_HEIGHT ) / 2.0
self.xmin, self.xmax = ( 1.0E70, -1.0E70 )
self.ymin, self.ymax = ( 1.0E70, -1.0E70 )
# Dictionary of paths we will construct. It's keyed by the SVG node
# it came from. Such keying isn't too useful in this specific case,
# but it can be useful in other applications when you actually want
# to go back and update the SVG document
self.paths = {}
# Output file handling
self.call_list = []
self.pathid = int( 0 )
# Output file
self.f = None
# For handling an SVG viewbox attribute, we will need to know the
# values of the document's <svg> width and height attributes as well
# as establishing a transform from the viewbox to the display.
self.docWidth = float( DEFAULT_WIDTH )
self.docHeight = float( DEFAULT_HEIGHT )
self.docTransform = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
# Dictionary of warnings issued. This to prevent from warning
# multiple times about the same problem
self.warnings = {}
def getLength( self, name, default ):
Get the <svg> attribute with name "name" and default value "default"
Parse the attribute into a value and associated units. Then, accept
units of cm, ft, in, m, mm, pc, or pt. Convert to pixels.
Note that SVG defines 90 px = 1 in = 25.4 mm.
str = self.document.getroot().get( name )
if str:
v, u = parseLengthWithUnits( str )
if not v:
# Couldn't parse the value
return None
elif ( u == 'mm' ):
return float( v ) * ( 90.0 / 25.4 )
elif ( u == 'cm' ):
return float( v ) * ( 90.0 * 10.0 / 25.4 )
elif ( u == 'm' ):
return float( v ) * ( 90.0 * 1000.0 / 25.4 )
elif ( u == 'in' ):
return float( v ) * 90.0
elif ( u == 'ft' ):
return float( v ) * 12.0 * 90.0
elif ( u == 'pt' ):
# Use modern "Postscript" points of 72 pt = 1 in instead
# of the traditional 72.27 pt = 1 in
return float( v ) * ( 90.0 / 72.0 )
elif ( u == 'pc' ):
return float( v ) * ( 90.0 / 6.0 )
elif ( u == 'px' ):
return float( v )
# Unsupported units
return None
# No width specified; assume the default value
return float( default )
def getDocProps( self ):
Get the document's height and width attributes from the <svg> tag.
Use a default value in case the property is not present or is
expressed in units of percentages.
self.docHeight = self.getLength( 'height', DEFAULT_HEIGHT )
self.docWidth = self.getLength( 'width', DEFAULT_WIDTH )
if ( self.docHeight == None ) or ( self.docWidth == None ):
return False
return True
def handleViewBox( self ):
Set up the document-wide transform in the event that the document has an SVG viewbox
if self.getDocProps():
viewbox = self.document.getroot().get( 'viewBox' )
if viewbox:
vinfo = viewbox.strip().replace( ',', ' ' ).split( ' ' )
if ( vinfo[2] != 0 ) and ( vinfo[3] != 0 ):
sx = self.docWidth / float( vinfo[2] )
sy = self.docHeight / float( vinfo[3] )
self.docTransform = simpletransform.parseTransform( 'scale(%f,%f)' % (sx, sy) )
def getPathVertices( self, path, node=None, transform=None ):
Decompose the path data from an SVG element into individual
subpaths, each subpath consisting of absolute move to and line
to coordinates. Place these coordinates into a list of polygon
if ( not path ) or ( len( path ) == 0 ):
# Nothing to do
return None
# parsePath() may raise an exception. This is okay
sp = simplepath.parsePath( path )
if ( not sp ) or ( len( sp ) == 0 ):
# Path must have been devoid of any real content
return None
# Get a cubic super path
p = cubicsuperpath.CubicSuperPath( sp )
if ( not p ) or ( len( p ) == 0 ):
# Probably never happens, but...
return None
if transform:
simpletransform.applyTransformToPath( transform, p )
# Now traverse the cubic super path
subpath_list = []
subpath_vertices = []
for sp in p:
# We've started a new subpath
# See if there is a prior subpath and whether we should keep it
if len( subpath_vertices ):
subpath_list.append( [ subpath_vertices, [ sp_xmin, sp_xmax, sp_ymin, sp_ymax ] ] )
subpath_vertices = []
subdivideCubicPath( sp, float( self.options.smoothness ) )
# Note the first point of the subpath
first_point = sp[0][1]
subpath_vertices.append( first_point )
sp_xmin = first_point[0]
sp_xmax = first_point[0]
sp_ymin = first_point[1]
sp_ymax = first_point[1]
# See if the first and last points are identical
# OpenSCAD doesn't mind if we duplicate the first and last
# vertex, but our polygon in polygon algorithm may
n = len( sp )
last_point = sp[n-1][1]
#if ( first_point[0] == last_point[0] ) and ( first_point[1] == last_point[1] ):
# n = n - 1
# Traverse each point of the subpath
for csp in sp[1:n]:
# Append the vertex to our list of vertices
pt = csp[1]
subpath_vertices.append( pt )
# Track the bounding box of this subpath
if pt[0] < sp_xmin:
sp_xmin = pt[0]
elif pt[0] > sp_xmax:
sp_xmax = pt[0]
if pt[1] < sp_ymin:
sp_ymin = pt[1]
elif pt[1] > sp_ymax:
sp_ymax = pt[1]
# Track the bounding box of the overall drawing
# This is used for centering the polygons in OpenSCAD around the (x,y) origin
if sp_xmin < self.xmin:
self.xmin = sp_xmin
if sp_xmax > self.xmax:
self.xmax = sp_xmax
if sp_ymin < self.ymin:
self.ymin = sp_ymin
if sp_ymax > self.ymax:
self.ymax = sp_ymax
# Handle the final subpath
if len( subpath_vertices ):
subpath_list.append( [ subpath_vertices, [ sp_xmin, sp_xmax, sp_ymin, sp_ymax ] ] )
if len( subpath_list ) > 0:
self.paths[node] = subpath_list
def convertPath( self, node ):
path = self.paths[node]
if ( path is None ) or ( len( path ) == 0 ):
# Determine which polys contain which
contains = [ [] for i in xrange( len( path ) ) ]
contained_by = [ [] for i in xrange( len( path ) ) ]
for i in range( 0, len( path ) ):
for j in range( i + 1, len( path ) ):
if polyInPoly( path[j][0], path[j][1], path[i][0], path[i][1] ):
# subpath i contains subpath j
contains[i].append( j )
# subpath j is contained in subpath i
contained_by[j].append( i )
elif polyInPoly( path[i][0], path[i][1], path[j][0], path[j][1] ):
# subpath j contains subpath i
contains[j].append( i )
# subpath i is containd in subpath j
contained_by[i].append( j )
# create identifier
id = node.get ( 'id', '' )
if ( id is None ) or ( id == '' ):
id = str( self.pathid ) + 'x'
self.pathid += 1
id = re.sub( '[^A-Za-z0-9_]+', '', id )
# fold all subpaths into a single list of points and a number of paths by index.
prefix = 0
for i in range( 0, len( path ) ):
# Skip this subpath if it is contained by another one
if len( contained_by[i] ) != 0:
subpath = path[i][0]
bbox = path[i][1]
poly = id + '_' + str(prefix) + '_points = ['
polypaths = id + '_' + str(prefix) + '_paths = [['
if len( contains[i] ) == 0:
# This subpath does not contain any subpaths
for point in subpath:
poly += '[%f,%f],' % ( ( point[0] - ), ( point[1] - ) )
poly = poly[:-1]
poly += '];\n'
self.f.write( poly )
prefix += 1
# This subpath contains other subpaths
# collect all points into poly
# also collect the indices into polypaths
for point in subpath:
poly += '[%f,%f],' % ( ( point[0] - ), ( point[1] - ) )
count = len(subpath)
for k in range(0, count):
polypaths += '%d,' % (k)
polypaths = polypaths[:-1] + '],\n\t\t\t\t['
# The nested paths
for j in contains[i]:
for point in path[j][0]:
poly += '[%f,%f],' % ( ( point[0] - ), ( point[1] - ) )
for k in range(count, count + len(path[j][0])):
polypaths += '%d,' % k
count += len(path[j][0])
polypaths = polypaths[:-1] + '],\n\t\t\t\t['
poly = poly[:-1]
poly += '];\n'
polypaths = polypaths[:-7] + '];\n'
# write the polys and paths
self.f.write( poly )
self.f.write( polypaths )
prefix += 1
# Generate an OpenSCAD module for this path
self.f.write( '\nmodule poly_' + id + '(h, w, res=4) {\n')
self.f.write( ' scale([profile_scale, -profile_scale, 1])' )
self.f.write( '\n union()' ) # !!This line optional and can be removed
self.f.write(' {\n' )
# And add the call to the call list
self.call_list.append( 'poly_%s(height, width);\n' % ( id ) )
prefix = 0
for i in range( 0, len( path ) ):
# Skip this subpath if it is contained by another one
if len( contained_by[i] ) != 0:
#self.f.write( '//%s\n' % path[i][0])
if closed_p(path[i]):
#self.f.write( '//closed\n')
if len( contains[i] ) == 0:
# This subpath does not contain any subpaths
if self.options.force_line:
msg = msg_extrude_by_hull(id, prefix)
msg = msg_linear_extrude(id, prefix)
self.f.write( msg )
prefix += 1
# This subpath contains other subpaths
msg = msg_linear_extrude_by_paths(id, prefix)
self.f.write( msg )
prefix += 1
#self.f.write( '//open\n')
if len( contains[i] ) == 0:
# This subpath does not contain any subpaths
msg = msg_extrude_by_hull(id, prefix)
self.f.write( msg )
prefix += 1
# This subpath contains other subpaths
msg = msg_linear_extrude_by_paths(id, prefix)
self.f.write( msg )
prefix += 1
# End the module
self.f.write( ' }\n' )
self.f.write( '}\n' )
def recursivelyTraverseSvg( self, aNodeList,
matCurrent=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]],
parent_visibility='visible' ):
[ This too is largely lifted from ]
Recursively walk the SVG document, building polygon vertex lists
for each graphical element we support.
Rendered SVG elements:
<circle>, <ellipse>, <line>, <path>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect>
Supported SVG elements:
<group>, <use>
Ignored SVG elements:
<defs>, <eggbot>, <metadata>, <namedview>, <pattern>,
processing directives
All other SVG elements trigger an error (including <text>)
for node in aNodeList:
# Ignore invisible nodes
v = node.get( 'visibility', parent_visibility )
if v == 'inherit':
v = parent_visibility
if v == 'hidden' or v == 'collapse':
# First apply the current matrix transform to this node's tranform
matNew = simpletransform.composeTransform( matCurrent, simpletransform.parseTransform( node.get( "transform" ) ) )
if node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'g', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'g':
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, v )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'use', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'use':
# A <use> element refers to another SVG element via an xlink:href="#blah"
# attribute. We will handle the element by doing an XPath search through
# the document, looking for the element with the matching id="blah"
# attribute. We then recursively process that element after applying
# any necessary (x,y) translation.
# Notes:
# 1. We ignore the height and width attributes as they do not apply to
# path-like elements, and
# 2. Even if the use element has visibility="hidden", SVG still calls
# for processing the referenced element. The referenced element is
# hidden only if its visibility is "inherit" or "hidden".
refid = node.get( inkex.addNS( 'href', 'xlink' ) )
if not refid:
# [1:] to ignore leading '#' in reference
path = '//*[@id="%s"]' % refid[1:]
refnode = node.xpath( path )
if refnode:
x = float( node.get( 'x', '0' ) )
y = float( node.get( 'y', '0' ) )
# Note: the transform has already been applied
if ( x != 0 ) or (y != 0 ):
matNew2 = composeTransform( matNew, parseTransform( 'translate(%f,%f)' % (x,y) ) )
matNew2 = matNew
v = node.get( 'visibility', v )
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( refnode, matNew2, v )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'path', 'svg' ):
path_data = node.get( 'd')
if path_data:
self.getPathVertices( path_data, node, matNew )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'rect', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'rect':
# Manually transform
# <rect x="X" y="Y" width="W" height="H"/>
# into
# <path d="MX,Y lW,0 l0,H l-W,0 z"/>
# I.e., explicitly draw three sides of the rectangle and the
# fourth side implicitly
# Create a path with the outline of the rectangle
x = float( node.get( 'x' ) )
y = float( node.get( 'y' ) )
if ( not x ) or ( not y ):
w = float( node.get( 'width', '0' ) )
h = float( node.get( 'height', '0' ) )
a = []
a.append( ['M ', [x, y]] )
a.append( [' l ', [w, 0]] )
a.append( [' l ', [0, h]] )
a.append( [' l ', [-w, 0]] )
a.append( [' Z', []] )
self.getPathVertices( simplepath.formatPath( a ), node, matNew )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'line', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'line':
# Convert
# <line x1="X1" y1="Y1" x2="X2" y2="Y2/>
# to
# <path d="MX1,Y1 LX2,Y2"/>
x1 = float( node.get( 'x1' ) )
y1 = float( node.get( 'y1' ) )
x2 = float( node.get( 'x2' ) )
y2 = float( node.get( 'y2' ) )
if ( not x1 ) or ( not y1 ) or ( not x2 ) or ( not y2 ):
a = []
a.append( ['M ', [x1, y1]] )
a.append( [' L ', [x2, y2]] )
self.getPathVertices( simplepath.formatPath( a ), node, matNew )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'polyline', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'polyline':
# Convert
# <polyline points="x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 [...]"/>
# to
# <path d="Mx1,y1 Lx2,y2 Lx3,y3 [...]"/>
# Note: we ignore polylines with no points
pl = node.get( 'points', '' ).strip()
if pl == '':
pa = pl.split()
d = "".join( ["M " + pa[i] if i == 0 else " L " + pa[i] for i in range( 0, len( pa ) )] )
self.getPathVertices( d, node, matNew )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'polygon', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'polygon':
# Convert
# <polygon points="x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 [...]"/>
# to
# <path d="Mx1,y1 Lx2,y2 Lx3,y3 [...] Z"/>
# Note: we ignore polygons with no points
pl = node.get( 'points', '' ).strip()
if pl == '':
pa = pl.split()
d = "".join( ["M " + pa[i] if i == 0 else " L " + pa[i] for i in range( 0, len( pa ) )] )
d += " Z"
self.getPathVertices( d, node, matNew )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'ellipse', 'svg' ) or \
node.tag == 'ellipse' or \
node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'circle', 'svg' ) or \
node.tag == 'circle':
# Convert circles and ellipses to a path with two 180 degree arcs.
# In general (an ellipse), we convert
# <ellipse rx="RX" ry="RY" cx="X" cy="Y"/>
# to
# <path d="MX1,CY A RX,RY 0 1 0 X2,CY A RX,RY 0 1 0 X1,CY"/>
# where
# X1 = CX - RX
# X2 = CX + RX
# Note: ellipses or circles with a radius attribute of value 0 are ignored
if node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'ellipse', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'ellipse':
rx = float( node.get( 'rx', '0' ) )
ry = float( node.get( 'ry', '0' ) )
rx = float( node.get( 'r', '0' ) )
ry = rx
if rx == 0 or ry == 0:
cx = float( node.get( 'cx', '0' ) )
cy = float( node.get( 'cy', '0' ) )
x1 = cx - rx
x2 = cx + rx
d = 'M %f,%f ' % ( x1, cy ) + \
'A %f,%f ' % ( rx, ry ) + \
'0 1 0 %f,%f ' % ( x2, cy ) + \
'A %f,%f ' % ( rx, ry ) + \
'0 1 0 %f,%f' % ( x1, cy )
self.getPathVertices( d, node, matNew )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'pattern', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'pattern':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'metadata', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'metadata':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'defs', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'defs':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'desc', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'desc':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'namedview', 'sodipodi' ) or node.tag == 'namedview':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'eggbot', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'eggbot':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'text', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'text':
inkex.errormsg( 'Warning: unable to draw text, please convert it to a path first.' )
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'title', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'title':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'image', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'image':
if not self.warnings.has_key( 'image' ):
inkex.errormsg( gettext.gettext( 'Warning: unable to draw bitmap images; ' +
'please convert them to line art first. Consider using the "Trace bitmap..." ' +
'tool of the "Path" menu. Mac users please note that some X11 settings may ' +
'cause cut-and-paste operations to paste in bitmap copies.' ) )
self.warnings['image'] = 1
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'pattern', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'pattern':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'radialGradient', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'radialGradient':
# Similar to pattern
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'linearGradient', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'linearGradient':
# Similar in pattern
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'style', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'style':
# This is a reference to an external style sheet and not the value
# of a style attribute to be inherited by child elements
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'cursor', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'cursor':
elif node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'color-profile', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'color-profile':
# Gamma curves, color temp, etc. are not relevant to single color output
elif not isinstance( node.tag, basestring ):
# This is likely an XML processing instruction such as an XML
# comment. lxml uses a function reference for such node tags
# and as such the node tag is likely not a printable string.
# Further, converting it to a printable string likely won't
# be very useful.
inkex.errormsg( 'Warning: unable to draw object <%s>, please convert it to a path first.' % node.tag )
def recursivelyGetEnclosingTransform( self, node ):
Determine the cumulative transform which node inherits from
its chain of ancestors.
node = node.getparent()
if node is not None:
parent_transform = self.recursivelyGetEnclosingTransform( node )
node_transform = node.get( 'transform', None )
if node_transform is None:
return parent_transform
tr = simpletransform.parseTransform( node_transform )
if parent_transform is None:
return tr
return simpletransform.composeTransform( parent_transform, tr )
return self.docTransform
def effect( self ):
# Viewbox handling
# First traverse the document (or selected items), reducing
# everything to line segments. If working on a selection,
# then determine the selection's bounding box in the process.
# (Actually, we just need to know it's extrema on the x-axis.)
if self.options.ids:
# Traverse the selected objects
for id in self.options.ids:
transform = self.recursivelyGetEnclosingTransform( self.selected[id] )
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( [self.selected[id]], transform )
# Traverse the entire document building new, transformed paths
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( self.document.getroot(), self.docTransform )
# Determine the center of the drawing's bounding box = self.xmin + ( self.xmax - self.xmin ) / 2.0 = self.ymin + ( self.ymax - self.ymin ) / 2.0
# Determine which polygons lie entirely within other polygons
if '/' == os.sep:
self.f = open( os.path.expanduser( self.options.fname ), 'w')
self.f = open( os.path.expanduser( self.options.fname ).replace('/', os.sep), 'w')
// Module names are of the form poly_<inkscape-path-id>().
// As a result you can associate a polygon in this OpenSCAD program with the
// corresponding SVG element in the Inkscape document by looking for
// the XML element with the attribute id=\"inkscape-path-id\".
// Paths have their own variables so they can be imported and used
// in polygon(points) structures in other programs.
// The NN_points is the list of all polygon XY vertices.
// There may be an NN_paths variable as well. If it exists then it
// defines the nested paths. Both must be used in the
// polygon(points, paths) variant of the command.
profile_scale = 25.4/90; //made in inkscape in mm
// helper functions to determine the X,Y dimensions of the profiles
function min_x(shape_points) = min([ for (x = shape_points) min(x[0])]);
function max_x(shape_points) = max([ for (x = shape_points) max(x[0])]);
function min_y(shape_points) = min([ for (x = shape_points) min(x[1])]);
function max_y(shape_points) = max([ for (x = shape_points) max(x[1])]);
''' )
# writeout width and height
self.f.write( 'height = %s;\n' % ( self.options.height ) )
self.f.write( 'width = %s;\n\n' % ( self.options.line_width ) )
for key in self.paths:
self.f.write( '\n' )
self.convertPath( key )
# Now output the list of modules to call
self.f.write( '\n// The shapes\n' )
for call in self.call_list:
self.f.write( call )
inkex.errormsg( 'Unable to open the file ' + self.options.fname )
if __name__ == '__main__':
e = OpenSCAD()
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->
viewBox="0 0 744.09448819 1052.3622047"
inkscape:version="0.91 r13725"
showgrid="false" />
is_visible="true" />
rdf:resource="" />
inkscape:label="Layer 1">
d="m 80,0 c 0,0 -2.187444,4.0293637 -0.950746,7.1869153 1.236697,3.1575517 1.641109,-0.5688469 4.817264,-0.5328535 3.176155,0.035993 2.336543,6.4381522 -0.04252,6.4702352 -2.379066,0.03208 -3.805703,-2.606746 -4.965937,-0.22594 -1.160233,2.380805 3.272494,11.233051 1.877471,14.292598 -1.395022,3.059548 -1.570622,-1.19024 -4.509836,-0.824264 -2.939215,0.365976 -2.00634,7.042971 0.694992,7.435598 2.701332,0.392627 3.038391,-3.165497 4.389582,-0.707659 1.351192,2.457838 0.707695,10.307281 -0.798644,13.146659 -1.50634,2.839378 -1.223342,0.419369 -4.330116,0.64688 -3.106775,0.227511 -2.543122,5.778194 0.05198,6.134043 2.5951,0.355849 3.418714,-1.906861 4.909587,0.745296 1.490874,2.652157 -3.619127,10.593053 -2.110502,13.415358 1.508625,2.822306 0.84427,-0.674593 3.805228,-0.319002 2.960958,0.355591 2.976165,6.535319 0.233167,6.933804 -2.742997,0.398485 -2.045179,-2.720216 -3.418292,-0.244689 C 78.279558,76.028507 80,80 80,80" />
d="m 60,0 c 0,0 -1.663309,3.7015996 -0.317865,6.8035504 1.345444,3.1019509 0.103567,-0.6636807 3.202743,-0.4255572 3.099177,0.2381235 2.357746,6.6216778 -0.03505,6.7302348 -2.39279,0.108558 -2.537356,-1.674686 -3.818435,0.740999 -1.281079,2.415686 3.056471,10.173783 1.876329,13.345559 -1.180142,3.171776 -1.862064,-1.022379 -4.762192,-0.64155 -2.900127,0.380829 -1.50383,6.890321 0.939906,7.110358 2.443737,0.220038 2.131963,-2.323029 3.457116,0.116834 1.325153,2.439863 -2.353884,10.12205 -0.85068,12.978966 1.503205,2.856915 0.08643,0.01 3.206847,0.2164 3.120415,0.206398 3.113138,5.49093 0.539871,5.834697 -2.573267,0.343766 -2.818988,-2.313413 -3.991603,0.06912 -1.172616,2.382534 -1.040904,10.971816 0.112948,14.147304 1.153852,3.175488 0.496833,-1.076249 3.348971,-0.683221 2.852138,0.393027 3.57659,6.821741 0.912191,7.205336 C 61.156698,73.932625 61.09336,70.418972 59.613396,73.042001 58.133436,75.665032 60,80 60,80" />
d="m 40,0 c 0,0 -2.441079,3.8828523 -1.211546,7.0426984 1.229534,3.1598456 1.7523,-1.1938389 4.757827,-0.8650078 3.005528,0.3288312 2.023375,7.4718884 -0.399017,7.6554654 -2.422391,0.183577 -3.061921,-2.494308 -4.320106,-0.08851 -1.258185,2.405798 2.988671,10.180886 1.48462,13.033484 -1.504051,2.852599 -0.777256,0.25717 -3.948911,0.326886 -3.171656,0.06972 -2.076643,5.682792 0.301321,5.69499 2.377964,0.0122 2.524591,-1.537423 3.976272,1.030564 1.451681,2.567987 -3.352455,9.762419 -2.0064,12.863927 1.346055,3.101508 1.809794,0.12765 4.719974,0.505101 2.91018,0.377452 2.620067,6.303305 0.01065,6.666146 -2.609414,0.362841 -2.533384,-2.581501 -3.952476,-0.05896 -1.419092,2.522537 3.453037,9.937539 1.951179,12.800856 -1.501858,2.863318 -1.088638,0.325311 -4.263847,0.370578 -3.175208,0.04527 -3.110409,6.514884 -0.481237,6.886255 2.629172,0.37137 2.324183,-2.840417 3.713316,-0.350221 C 41.720755,76.004444 40,80 40,80" />
d="m 20,0 c 0,0 1.784267,3.787186 0.302147,6.7144709 -1.48212,2.9272848 -0.450872,0.2739955 -3.570577,0.4815653 -3.119706,0.2075697 -3.217258,5.8498068 -0.59184,6.2196538 2.625419,0.369847 2.869386,-2.991788 4.3051,-0.447747 1.435715,2.544042 -2.328546,11.040129 -1.003668,14.155995 1.324879,3.115865 0.48342,-0.313128 3.556238,-0.04303 3.072818,0.270095 2.777623,6.453075 0.235574,6.776234 -2.542048,0.323159 -2.312641,-2.685876 -3.790764,-0.06717 -1.478123,2.618711 2.511607,10.317623 1.048517,13.28543 -1.46309,2.967807 -1.183209,-0.459666 -4.357387,-0.406127 -3.174179,0.05354 -2.672218,6.094624 0.03009,6.487439 2.702304,0.392815 3.509463,-2.789237 4.885392,-0.311245 1.375928,2.477992 -2.983604,10.620151 -1.479343,13.471641 1.50426,2.851489 1.435878,0.112366 4.273137,0.507919 2.837259,0.395552 2.507508,5.769333 -0.122536,6.141052 C 21.090033,73.3378 20.570924,70.346668 19.221927,72.802871 17.872931,75.259073 20,80 20,80" />
d="m 0,20 c 0,0 4.2824781,-2.28559 7.1989117,-0.799279 2.9164333,1.48631 -0.6555886,0.718764 -0.2895004,3.657723 0.3660882,2.93896 6.0527167,3.421302 6.2634537,0.983509 0.210737,-2.437792 -2.694361,-2.890231 -0.200725,-4.282879 2.493635,-1.392648 10.037279,-1.81049 13.201252,-0.595199 3.163973,1.21529 0.401384,1.848812 0.737361,4.843659 0.335977,2.994848 5.522386,2.075014 5.918789,-0.649241 0.396403,-2.724255 -2.260054,-2.249082 0.177169,-3.570008 2.437222,-1.320925 10.805028,2.842855 13.978446,1.672843 3.173417,-1.170011 -0.635131,-2.001531 -0.421825,-5.117688 0.213307,-3.116157 6.574743,-1.677548 6.966424,1.019072 0.39168,2.69662 -2.86792,2.954067 -0.486598,4.118306 2.381322,1.164239 11.20607,1.035919 14.156716,-0.435909 2.950647,-1.471828 -0.361377,-1.361959 -0.03703,-4.373832 0.324345,-3.011873 6.193756,-2.76458 6.537453,-0.19143 0.343698,2.573151 -2.774187,2.650293 -0.297343,4.024916 2.476843,1.374623 10.259803,1.465034 13.218805,-0.0027 2.959003,-1.467703 -0.03748,0.04722 0.103032,-3.10507 0.140507,-3.152288 6.03669,-2.989191 6.081063,-0.608944 0.04437,2.380246 -2.105313,2.332239 0.392857,3.729391 C 95.696878,21.714423 100,20 100,20" />
d="m 0,40 c 0,0 3.6623628,-2.495412 6.8375168,-1.338561 3.1751542,1.156852 -1.05914,1.610459 -0.6725563,4.490965 0.3865836,2.880506 6.9911815,3.346054 7.3776345,0.671494 0.386453,-2.674559 -3.234351,-3.484758 -0.662051,-4.939058 2.5723,-1.4543 11.051032,2.92945 14.049508,1.484734 2.998476,-1.444716 -0.129455,-0.135312 0.04936,-3.270896 0.178816,-3.135583 6.042765,-2.559064 6.423713,0.09674 0.380948,2.655799 -3.269471,2.008512 -0.587081,3.508084 2.68239,1.499571 11.336197,-2.961446 14.383649,-1.554909 3.047451,1.406536 -0.237995,0.791172 -0.06475,3.929484 0.173248,3.138312 6.298943,2.116499 6.327216,-0.262279 0.02827,-2.378779 -2.434687,-3.017876 -0.05399,-4.177184 2.380693,-1.159309 9.723882,-1.080327 12.884,0.148326 3.160118,1.228654 0.01031,1.861018 0.130101,5.020438 0.11979,3.15942 6.453034,1.566352 6.500314,-0.81423 0.04728,-2.380582 -2.708683,-2.081577 -0.05794,-3.571978 2.650738,-1.490402 11.284779,3.122768 14.269317,1.669239 2.984537,-1.45353 -0.290983,-0.798504 -0.195661,-3.964758 0.09532,-3.166254 6.527972,-3.253176 6.917142,-0.567849 0.389169,2.685327 -2.838207,3.644649 -0.457396,4.804929 C 95.778852,42.523007 100,40 100,40" />
d="m 0,60 c 0,0 4.3021881,-2.315371 7.1998932,-0.822661 2.8977048,1.49271 -1.3959906,1.164751 -1.066397,4.169174 0.3295936,3.004423 7.0123078,3.240889 7.4120968,0.476096 0.399789,-2.764794 -3.073834,-3.655834 -0.628487,-4.989407 2.445346,-1.333573 11.089605,3.029997 14.261523,1.85067 3.171918,-1.179328 -1.167656,-0.622953 -0.973929,-3.750688 0.193727,-3.127735 6.835471,-2.26583 7.151186,0.266339 0.315716,2.532169 -2.240184,1.794151 0.362711,3.265006 2.602895,1.470856 9.458952,1.775283 12.418245,0.307728 2.959293,-1.467555 0.169027,-0.629414 0.533375,-3.572269 0.364348,-2.942855 5.81932,-2.93633 6.207066,-0.256803 0.387745,2.679526 -2.376836,1.904461 0.265599,3.391979 2.642435,1.487518 10.799706,2.504383 13.682561,1.00732 2.882854,-1.497063 -0.19464,-1.402691 0.193859,-4.275701 0.388498,-2.87301 6.59399,-3.132566 6.733305,-0.729744 0.139314,2.402822 -3.264331,3.500358 -0.677054,4.963192 2.587276,1.462834 10.422577,1.355965 13.557839,0.0654 3.135262,-1.290569 -0.71987,-1.394313 -0.44475,-4.462451 0.27512,-3.068138 6.430522,-2.446288 6.794613,0.165844 0.36409,2.612133 -2.682063,2.3079 -0.180326,3.708496 C 95.304665,62.178113 100,60 100,60" />
d="m 322.04724,491.1811 c 0,-2.5 2.5,-5 5,-5 2.5,0 87.5,0 90,0 2.5,0 5,2.5 5,5 0,2.5 0,67.5 0,70 0,2.5 -2.5,5 -5,5 -2.5,0 -87.5,0 -90,0 -2.5,0 -5,-2.5 -5,-5 0,-2.5 0,-67.5 0,-70"
id="path4702" />
d="M 364.2207 469.98047 C 363.01278 469.97347 361.76456 470.05377 360.45508 470.23242 C 355.21716 470.94684 349.06755 473.08434 340.03711 476.99414 A 2.6007585 2.6007585 0 1 0 342.10352 481.76758 C 350.97062 477.92849 356.77939 475.98174 361.15625 475.38477 C 365.53311 474.78779 368.52621 475.39377 372.56055 476.97852 C 381.70719 480.60849 387.7832 483.35742 387.7832 483.35742 A 2.6002599 2.6002599 0 0 0 389.25 483.55859 L 413.94727 479.75977 A 2.6005667 2.6005667 0 1 0 413.15625 474.61914 L 389.18359 478.30664 C 388.62224 478.05386 383.28269 475.63939 374.4707 472.14258 A 2.6002599 2.6002599 0 0 0 374.46289 472.13867 C 371.09441 470.81518 367.84447 470.00278 364.2207 469.98047 z M 359.19531 472.29492 A 0.80008001 0.80008001 0 0 1 359.39844 473.86914 L 350.19336 476.35352 A 0.80023553 0.80023553 0 1 1 349.77539 474.80859 L 358.98242 472.32422 A 0.80008001 0.80008001 0 0 1 359.19531 472.29492 z "
id="path4736" />
d="m 311.69825,503.78496 -0.4384,-21.62745 m 3.21489,14.17475 0.4384,7.74496 m -0.58453,-22.06584 -0.29226,9.06015" />
d="m 322.36584,472.65897 c 3.28968,-4.47666 6.8573,-7.21623 11.69051,-2.04584"
sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" />
d="m 308.33722,512.99121 8.76788,0 0,14.02861 -8.76788,0 z"
id="rect4809" />
d="m 309.94467,533.74189 7.16044,-3.65328 1.16905,11.98277 -7.30657,0 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
d="m 320.20114,559.86578 q 0,2.38404 -1.57104,3.62549 -1.57105,1.23047 -4.65821,1.23047 l -6.2622,0 0,-16.67725 5.9436,0 q 1.30737,0 2.36206,0.29664 1.05469,0.29663 1.80176,0.84594 0.74707,0.54932 1.15356,1.34033 0.4065,0.79102 0.4065,1.77979 0,1.23047 -0.59326,2.09839 -0.59327,0.86792 -1.81275,1.45019 0.81299,0.18677 1.41724,0.58228 0.60425,0.39551 1.01074,0.93384 0.40649,0.52734 0.60425,1.17553 0.19775,0.63721 0.19775,1.31836 z m -10.2832,-4.83398 3.71338,0 q 1.82373,0 2.69165,-0.58228 0.8789,-0.58227 0.8789,-1.95556 0,-0.62622 -0.19775,-1.08765 -0.19775,-0.46142 -0.64819,-0.75806 -0.43946,-0.30761 -1.16455,-0.46142 -0.7251,-0.15381 -1.7688,-0.15381 l -3.50464,0 0,4.99878 z m 0,7.70142 4.04297,0 q 3.94409,0 3.94409,-2.86744 0,-0.73608 -0.20874,-1.27441 -0.19776,-0.54932 -0.69214,-0.90088 -0.4834,-0.36255 -1.30737,-0.52734 -0.81299,-0.17578 -2.04346,-0.17578 l -3.73535,0 0,5.74585 z"
id="path4819" />
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