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Nicholas Jacques NicholasJacques

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NicholasJacques / project_management.markdown
Created April 17, 2017 19:07
reflection on agile practices/project management used in projects
  • Link to reflection on agile practices/project management used in projects (What project management strategies did you use in your projects this module? What went well? What would you do differently next time?):

I was the project manager for Bike Share. We only had a group of three so their wasn't a whole lot to coordinate as the project manager but it was still a worthwhile experience. Our projects at Turing so far have gently pushed us into using the agile development process by breaking up the projects into iterations or user stories. While this has been a nice introduction to agile development, I have found it a little hard to compress the process in a way that is still meaningful and usefull when used on projects that are only a week long. Waffle is slowly becoming a more valuable tool for us to use in our projects but even that sometimes feels unnecessary when the projects move so fast. Despite my struggles with using the agile process in the context of Turing projects, I feel as though I will be

NicholasJacques / gist:2ddf5bd0cbad1cbb9aae185fdbcf5d32
Created April 17, 2017 20:05
feedback implementation reflection & application of strengths to teams
# Feedback III Reflection
* What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator?
* Based one my Johari window results I got pretty positive feedback. Having said that, there is always room to improve. I kind of hoped to get more constructive feedback to work with.
* How do you use your strengths as a team member?
* One of my biggest focuses as a team member is making sure we are righting clean, DRY code. I have also recently started putting a lot more focus into testing.
* How would you like to continue to develop your strengths?
* I would like to start pairing with other mods. Didn't make time to do that this module.
* What would you like to improve on as a teammate?
* My self-selected area of improvement would be to continue working on my ability to focus. I've always had trouble mainting focus for long periods of time and that becomes even more apparent when pairing with others.
NicholasJacques / rails_setup.markdown
Last active March 3, 2021 11:51
Getting Started with RSpec and Rails:

Getting Started with RSpec and Rails:

Setting up a new Ruby on Rails project using RSpec, Cabybara, FactoryGirl and DatabaseCleaner

What will this tutorial do you for you?

This tutorial will help guide you through the process of setting up a new Ruby on Rails project with robust testing capabilities. This tutorial makes a couple of assumptions:

  • You have installed Ruby on Rails and have a rudimentary understanding of how to use it.
  • You have installed bundler
NicholasJacques / inter_1_answers.markdown
Last active April 25, 2017 20:32
Intermediate SQL 1 Answers

Intermediate SQL 1 Answers

Given This Table:

INSERT INTO items (name, revenue, course)
VALUES ('lobster mac n cheese', 1200, 'side'),
       ('veggie lasagna', 1000, 'main'),
       ('striped bass', 500, 'main'),
 ('arugula salad', 1100, 'salad');
NicholasJacques / inter_2_answers.markdown
Last active April 25, 2017 22:59
intermediate sql workshop 2 answers
  • List all the students and their classes
FROM students
INNER JOIN enrollments
ON enrollments.student_id =
INNER JOIN classes
ON enrollments.class_id =;
  • List all the students and their classes and rename the columns to "student" and "class"
NicholasJacques / feedback_reflection.markdown
Last active April 27, 2017 19:59
reflection on in-person feedback conversation

Reflection on in-person feedback

Date of Conversation: 4/21/2017

Project: Bike Share

  • How did you prepare for this conversation?

    In preparing for this conversation I thought about two different things: What area do I want to recieve feedback on and what areas do I think are most important to give feedback on for my partners. I also tried to think about what blind spots I might have in my own performance and how to solicit feedback on those areas. Overall our project was a really successful and I enjoyed working with both partners so I had to think a little bit harder about what kind of coaching to give and how to frame it for the best possible impact.

  • How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?

Flower Exercise - Nicholas Jacques

Petal 1: Most Valued Knowledges/Fields of Interests

Most Valued skills:

  • Management
  • Business
  • Home Construction
  • Culinary Arts
  • Customer Service
NicholasJacques / mod_4_job_search.markdown
Last active June 5, 2017 06:45
Mod 4 Job Search Action Plan

Module 4 Goals

  • I want to have a job offer by the end of Mod 4
  • Based on my financial situation I pretty much need to start working the day I graduate. No pressure.

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

  • Polish Resume and other documents in prepartion for applying
  • Spend the break week sending out at least 8 job applications

Coding (both including your module 4 curriculum and anything outside of it):

  • Polish Turing projects and github profile
NicholasJacques /
Last active June 26, 2017 16:57 — forked from case-eee/
These are reflection questions for students entering backend module 4.

M4 Reflection

Fork this gist and answer these questions to reflect on your learning experiences.

  • What brought you to Turing?

I was brought to Turing by a dissatisfaction with my current career and a desire to learn something new and challenging. I also happened to be a bit of nerd.

  • Where do you see yourself after Turing?
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