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NicholasLeader / PowerShell_API_JSON_example.ps1
Created May 15, 2016 23:38
PowerShell API JSON example
Nicholas Leader
Example of using the API in the JSON format
Optional text version of the API would be more straight forward,
this demonstrating some manual parsing of the JSON format.
JSON format can also be converted to a PowerSHell object via 'convertFrom-Json' cmdlet:
(Invoke-WebRequest -URI | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object
NicholasLeader / PowerShell_dot_NET_example.ps1
Created May 16, 2016 18:30
PowerShell .NET example using inline .NET
Nicholas Leader
Quick example .NET
This is one of the things that makes PowerShell extensible - you can do inline .NET
NicholasLeader / PowerShell_function_with_input_validation.ps1
Created May 16, 2016 19:43
PowerShell Function Example with input validation
Nicholas Leader
Simple function example
In this example I'm showing how input to the function can be validated
After running this script a 'Test-name' function will be available, which accepts an argument or parameter
NicholasLeader / PowerShell_Parsing_EventLog_Example.ps1
Created May 18, 2016 21:58
PowerShell example of parsing Windows Event log, doing admin detection, as well as writing to log file
Nicholas Leader
Example of parsing of a Windows Event log, then writing to the host and a log file if a certain eventID detected
## requires section Reference:
NicholasLeader / PowerShell_AWS_IAM_user_audit_example.ps1
Created May 19, 2016 01:12
PowerShell AWS IAM user audit example using Amazon's PowerShell Module
Nicholas Leader
Example of using the 'AWS Tools For Windows PowerShell' :
In this example I'm doing a very simple audit to see which users (IAM users) were created in the last week.
This script requires AWS Tools to be installed locally. Amazon has an MSI on their website.
<# Nicholas Leader 2018
Custom filter on the AV agent report
make sure file in CSV format
12.03.2018 - made the date filtering more extensible (not hard coded), grabs last 3 calender months with current month
$filePath = "Example_file_path.csv"
### formats the dates to similar formats as what's contained in the spreasheet
Nicholas Leader
Merging 2 sets of data with compare-object lookup.
List of servers and adding columns to the CSV from a AV CSV
This script returns *all* data elements from both CSVs, rather than just from 1 CSV with compare-object
#date stamp in string
# Nicholas Leader
# 8.9.2019
# Check for the presence of HTTP Security headers - CSP or Content-Security-Policy in this example
# Dictionary calling idea from:
### set Connection to use TLS 1.2
NicholasLeader /
Created August 15, 2019 18:54
This Python AWS Lamda function, returns True / False if a given AWS API query parameter (URL) has an HTTP security CSP header present
### Nicholas Leader
### Python PoC given AWS API query parameter of URL, return if HTTP security header CSP policy is present
### Written as AWS Lamda (serverless) function
### 8.14.2019
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
import urllib.request
input = event["queryStringParameters"]['URL']
NicholasLeader / SSL_TLS_cert_CN_pull_via_NMAP.ps1
Last active September 3, 2019 12:47
PowerShell PoC to grab the 'CN' common name of the SSL/TLS cert of an IP - leveraging NMAP SSL-cert script
Nicholas Leader
PowerShell PoC to grab the 'CN' common name of the SSL/TLS cert of an IP
Script takes an array of IPs as input in the script, but could be modified to pull from a CSV, etc
Script is leveraging 'Invoke-Command' to run an NMAP script
Using 'Select-string' to pull the relevent line of the NMAP script output