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$my-icons-spacing: 10px; // give some space to avoid little pixel size issues on resize
@import "my-icons/*.png";
$my-icons-sprite-dimensions: true;
@include all-my-icons-sprites;
// the fun part
NickChen14 / .gitlab-ci.yml
Last active July 15, 2021 11:55
CI/CD Godaddy Server
image: ubuntu:latest
# - vendor/
- .apt
- node_modules
stage: deploy
environment: Production
NickChen14 / test.js
Created July 19, 2021 04:16
Dayofweek - en96321
// 修改前
function solution(S, K) {
const d = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
const nowDat = d.findIndex(item => item === S)
const add = K % 7
if (add <= 6 - nowDat) {
return d[nowDat + add]
return d[add - (6 - nowDat + 1)]