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class Game {
private $doors;
private $winner;
public function __construct() {
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use AppBundle\Interfaces\Activities\ActivityWithMembersInterface;
use AppBundle\Interfaces\Activities\ActivityWithProductsInterface;
use AppBundle\Interfaces\Activities\HasNextVisitTargetInterface;
use AppBundle\Traits\Activities\ActivityMembersTrait;
use AppBundle\Traits\Activities\ActivityProductsTrait;
use AppBundle\Traits\Activities\ActivityThemeTrait;
jQuery(function ($) {
var app = angular.module('Journal', ['med_rest', 'med_stdlib', '',
'med_component_norms', 'med_component_odin_s', 'anguFixedHeaderTable', 'ngDialog']);
app.controller('JournalCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $q, RestAPI, Restangular, ngDialog) {
var stash = [];
$scope.months = [];
$scope.journal = {};
var prev = 'prev' in found ? found.prev : _.clone(found);
var threeWayMerge = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a || {};
_.forEach(b, function(value, key) {
if (_.isArray(value) || _.isObject(value)) {
d[key] = threeWayMerge(a[key], b[key], c[key]);
else {
if (a && c && a[key] == c[key]) {
d[key] = b[key];
var $vk = {
init: function() {
var defer = $q.defer();
VK.init(function() {
// API initialization succeeded
// Your code here
}, function() {