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Nilpo /
Last active August 5, 2022 10:17 — forked from bgrainger/
BibleWorks Hebrew Mapping Table
Nilpo /
Created April 24, 2019 06:41 — forked from Chaser324/
GitHub Standard Fork & Pull Request Workflow

Whether you're trying to give back to the open source community or collaborating on your own projects, knowing how to properly fork and generate pull requests is essential. Unfortunately, it's quite easy to make mistakes or not know what you should do when you're initially learning the process. I know that I certainly had considerable initial trouble with it, and I found a lot of the information on GitHub and around the internet to be rather piecemeal and incomplete - part of the process described here, another there, common hangups in a different place, and so on.

In an attempt to coallate this information for myself and others, this short tutorial is what I've found to be fairly standard procedure for creating a fork, doing your work, issuing a pull request, and merging that pull request back into the original project.

Creating a Fork

Just head over to the GitHub page and click the "Fork" button. It's just that simple. Once you've done that, you can use your favorite git client to clone your repo or j

Nilpo / Installing node via windows subsystem for linux

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update - Installing Node.js on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Windows just released the windows subsystem for linux feature to the public with its latest windows fall creator update, if you are not familiar with this feature it allows you to run linux binaries natively on windows - F.A.Q.

Enabling WSL

The feature is not enabled by default and you need to activate it, you can do it via powershell (with admin rights):

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

Or you can open: Control-Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows feature on ro off, and click the "windows subsystem for linux (beta)" button.

Nilpo /
Created April 1, 2019 06:16 — forked from rkristelijn/
Installing node via windows subsystem for linux


Below is a comparison from one of the resources I used. I don't think the comparison is done using the same hardware, but the big take away is that Windows without WSL is a no-go, and Windows WSL underperforms for Linux on bare metal and even Virtual Linux on a Windows Guest. I still have to do this comparison myself using my Udoo with dualboot.

System Performance
Mac Mini 2012 Core i5 10GB RAM 217.6 sec
Windows WSL 335 sec
Linux Mint Bare Metal 182.4 sec
VirtualBox 124 sec
Nilpo / GetSpotlightImages.bat
Last active March 30, 2019 01:58
Gets all Windows Spotlight wallpaper images from the cache and saves them to the user's profile.
REM This batch file can attempt to detect app icons and other files that are not
REM Windows Spotlight wallpapers using MediaInfo CLI to examine the height and width.
REM If MediaInfo is not found, this script will remove some common files manually.
REM MediaInfo CLI can be downloaded and installed in any Path directory.
Nilpo / git-pushing-multiple.rst
Created February 2, 2019 02:27 — forked from KJoke70/git-pushing-multiple.rst
How to push to multiple git remotes at once. Useful if you keep mirrors of your repo.

Pushing to Multiple Git Repos

If a project has to have multiple git repos (e.g. Bitbucket and Github) then it's better that they remain in sync.

Usually this would involve pushing each branch to each repo in turn, but actually Git allows pushing to multiple repos in one go.

If in doubt about what git is doing when you run these commands, just

Nilpo / user-profile.cmd
Created September 16, 2018 15:52 — forked from lukescammell/user-profile.cmd
This enables portable SSH keys in cmder, enabling you to have full SSH access using cmder portably on a USB (for example). Please note that when you ssh-keygen, it will still default to %USERPROFILE%, so you will either have to change the path on generation, or manually move the keys to your %CMDER_ROOT%\config\.ssh directory.
:: use this file to run your own startup commands
:: use in front of the command to prevent printing the command
:: call "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%/cmd/start-ssh-agent.cmd"
:: set "PATH=%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\whatever;%PATH%"
:: LS 2017-09-12_17.35.11
:: ======================
:: Copied from %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat
Nilpo /
Last active November 3, 2018 08:39
Set up a friendly Git environment
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
git config --global checkout
git config --global branch
git config --global commit
git config --global status
git config --global alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'
git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
git config --global alias.prune 'fetch --prune'
git config --global alias.undo 'reset --soft HEAD^'
Nilpo / database.sql
Created April 12, 2018 04:32
A sample of a good database creation script.
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Temporarily disable key checks
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Schema Music
-- -----------------------------------------------------
Nilpo / Boot RetroPie from
Last active December 26, 2022 04:32
How to boot RetroPie (or Raspbian) from a USB drive on the Raspberry Pi 3 B(+)

Boot RetroPie from USB on the Raspberry Pi 3 B(+)

You will need a Raspberry Pi 3 B(+) with a microSD card running RetroPie (or Raspbian).

  1. Update Raspbian.

    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y